School Guide

Use this workbook to establish general school level details necessary for processing financial aid. Some parameters defined here include, for example: Federal School ID, OPEIDs, and Right to Cancel Deadline.

Workbook Description

This workbook contains school specific information like your school name, campus name, and data that enables integration with U.S. Department of Education (ED) systems. The information housed in this workbook provides a gateway to transmit or consume information such as ISIR data with the Central Processing System (CPS), origination and disbursement messages with the Common Originations and Disbursements (COD) system. In order to connect to TD Client, your institution must update the school's Federal School Code, OPEIDs, COD Routing ID, and TG Mailbox in this workbook.

The file name for this workbook is School.csv.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.
Field Name Column Required? Field Type and Accepted Values Description
Federal School Code A Y


Alphanumeric ASCII text, 6 characters.

U.S. Department of Education assigned federal school code
COD Routing ID B Y


Alphanumeric ASCII text, 8 digit number.

U.S. Department of Education assigned COD Routing (Entity) ID


Alphanumeric ASCII text, 8 digit number.

U.S. Department of Education assigned OPEID.
  • List the primary OPEID first if multiple exist
  • Separate each OPEID with the "~" character
  • Example: 12345677~12345678~12345679
  • First 6 characters of first valid value are updated to SCHOOL_CONFIGURATION.OPEID
  • Refer to the OPEID column of this School Workbook when another workbook requires the school OPEIDs and ensure that the OPEIDs in both workbooks remain in sync.
Disable_Pace_of_Completion D N

Groovy script

TRUE, FALSE, blank

Script to disable the Pace of Completion calculation for SAP.

You can override this in the SAP UI. Baseline value is set to blank which means Pace of Completion calculation is enabled.

Minimum Pace of Completion E Y


Any numerical value.

Baseline value is set to 0.67.

Minimum Pace of Completion %.

Maximum Approved SAP Appeals F Y


Any Positive Number.

Baseline value is set to 2.

Maximum number of approved SAP appeals that can be requested for any student record.
SAP Appeals Initiating Doc G Y


Valid configured document code.

SAP Appeal Document

Document student must submit to start the SAP Appeal process. Baseline value is SAPAppealRequest.

Prior_Year_Determination_Credit_Balance H N
  • Academic Year
  • Award Year/Loan Period

How the system should determine what is the prior year is when calculating $200 prior year FA charges during credit balance determination.

Right to Cancel Deadline I Y


Any Positive Number.

Baseline value is set to 2.

The number of days after the disbursement message has been sent in which the student can accept a lower amount of the disbursement or cancel the fund without applying the Right to Cancel rules.

Number of Days delay to Determine Disbursement Dates J Y


The number of days that should be added to or removed from the payment period/loan payment period to determine the disbursement dates.

This is only applicable to Title IV funds. NFF disbursements are managed in the NFF workbook.

For example, minus 10 (-10) would set disbursement date to 10 days prior the start of the term.

Because the course start date may be different than the Term start date, you may need to add disbursement criteria to limit disbursements from going out too early prior to the first course start date.

Late Disbursement Acceptance Deadline Time-frame K Y


Any Positive Number.

Baseline value is set to 2.

Number of days from when the Late Disbursement Information was sent in to which Disbursement Acceptance must be received within by the system.

PWD Acceptance Deadline Time-frame L Y


Any Positive Number.

Baseline value is set to 2.

Number of days from when the post-withdrawal Disbursement Information was sent in to which Disbursement Acceptance must be received by the system.

Grant Overpayment Student Notification M Y


Alphanumeric ASCII text,up to 255 characters

Configured message when grant overpayment exists
Valid ISIR Deadline for Non-Withdrawn Students N Y


Number of days from when the ISIR information for Non-Withdrawn students disbursements was sent in which valid ISIR fields must be received by the system.
Note: DEADLINE FOR WITHDRAWN STUDENTS: Valid ISIR Deadline Configuration for Withdrawn Students = R2T4_CFG_DEADLINE.NUMBER_OF_DAYS - 1 day
R2T4 Deadline O Y


This is the number of days the system waits from the DOD before forcing an R2T4 calculation if the calculation is pending for any reason.

Include Prior Year Outstanding Balance? P Y


  • TRUE

Election for whether the Prior Year Outstanding Balance should be calculated and included to determine the credit balance amount.

Total COA Loan Fee To Add Q Y
  • NONE

Defines which loan fee is added to the student's Total Cost of Attendance, if the packaging engine is packaging the student for that Cost of Attendance.

Actual COA Loan Fee To Add R Y
  • NONE

Defines which loan fee is added to the student's Actual Cost of Attendance, if the packaging engine is packaging the student for that Cost of Attendance.

Change of Program - Max Days Out of Attendance S Y


Maximum number of days that a student can be out of attendance and still be considered continuously enrolled for the first condition to stay in the same Payment Period.

Validate Number of Break Days for LOA/Breaks T Y


  • TRUE

Indicates if system should validate Number of Break Days in LOA/Breaks inbound message.

Effective Date of Full First Academic Years for External Transfer / Advancing Degree Students U Y Date

Effective date by which Client wants New packaging logic to become effective

The greater of the packaging start date/program start date is compared to this field

if greater than the config date - then uses new logic

Count Repeat Courses in SAP - Pace of Completion? V Y


  • TRUE

Indicates if system should count Repeat Courses towards Students' Pace of Completion component of SAP Calculation.

Baseline value is set to TRUE so that any repeat courses from the SAFI are included in the SAP calculation.

Count Repeat Courses in SAP - Max Time Frame? W Y


  • TRUE
Indicates if system should count Repeat Courses towards Students' Max Time Frame component of SAP Calculation
Days Between FAH File Requests X Y Integer

Days after the initial FAH File request is sent upon receipt of ISIR; Next FAH File request.

Baseline value is set to TRUE so that any repeat courses from the SAFI are included in the SAP calculation.

Backdated LOA Return Disbursed Funds Policy Y Y


  • TRUE

Return loan funds disbursed during backdated LOA?

Table integer translated.

Additional ISIR Matching Criteria Z Y
Additional Criteria that are used to match Student to ISIR Record if initial attempt of SSN fails.
Note: This value is ignored if an ISIR Matching Criteria Combination (Column AE) is provided
Enrollment_Status_Determination AA Y Query

To specific how the system should determine the student's enrollment status.

Valid logical query returning one of the following enrollment statuses:
Create User Task If Automatic ISIR Matching Fails AB Y


  • TRUE

Indicates if system should create a matching user task when automatically matching ISIRs to Students when the criteria specified fails.

ISIR Matching Criteria Combination AC Y


  • SSN
  • DOB
  • ZIP
  • SSN Match Flags (no SIS equivalents)

Criteria values available for use when matching ISIRs to Students.

Matching Criteria combo (for example - SSN~DOB).

Combine any of these with any other single criterion to create a Matching Criteria combination:
  • SSN
  • DOB
Examples of Syntax:
  • Use the ~ symbol to separate fields in each combination.
  • Use the | symbol to separate matching combinations.
Example Valid Matching Rules:

    Rule translates to: Match on SSN AND Last Name AND First Name.


    Rule translates to: Match on SSN AND Last Name AND First Name. If no results, then match on SSN AND DOB, if no results, then match on SSN.

Note: The legacy ISIR matching logic (Column AC - Additional ISIR Matching Criteria) is used if this value is not provided.
Active CIP Code Year AD N



CIP Code Classification year from SAFI.

ED introduced new CIP Codes beginning with the 2020-2021 Award Year; the first since 2010. This field determines which classification year to use (2010 or 2020) for COD reporting purposes.

SAP_Evaluation_Period_Determination_Script AE Y Groovy script Determines whether to evaluate SAP on a Term/Payment Period or Academic Year basis.

TRUE (Academic Year),FALSE (Term/Payment Period)

You can define specific populations to be evaluated differently. Students with a prior SAP status of FD, FW, or FP, are evaluated by Term/Payment Period regardless of configuration. Baseline value is set to return FALSE, which evaluates by Term/Payment Period.

Summer_EFC_SAI_Need_Calc AF N Date The Summer EFC/SAI calculation is applied if the academic year end date is greater than the effective date set in the Summer_EFC_SAI_Need_Calc column.

Considerations for Configuration

For testing the system, none of the fields in this workbook are required to be updated.

The only fields that are required to be updated in this workbook for use in a production environment are:

  • School Name
  • Campus Name
  • Federal School Code
  • COD Routing ID
  • TG Mailbox