COD Student Identifier Updates

You can track and act on COD Student and Borrower Identifier changes.


In regards to Student Identifier Changes, Student Financial Planning needs to be able to recognize when a student identifier update is made to an ISIR, trigger a common record message to the COD, cease transmitting info to COD until Student Financial Planning confirms the update is accepted or rejected, review the reason why the data is rejected (if applicable) and use the new or old Student Identifier for future COD transmissions depending if the data is accepted or rejected, respectively.

In regards to Borrower Identifier Changes, Student Financial Planning needs to be able to determine if the borrower is a parent or student, recognize when a borrower identifier update is made to an ISIR, trigger a common record message to the COD, cease transmitting info to COD until Student Financial Planning confirms if the update is accepted or rejected, review the reason why the data is rejected (if applicable) and use the new or old Borrower Identifier for future COD transmissions depending if the data is accepted or rejected, respectively.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Updates student identifier information

When the student or institution submits an ISIR Correction and updates a Student Identifier field (SSN/Last Name/Date of Birth) a subsequent Central Processing System (CPS)/FAFSA Processing System (FPS) transaction occurs. Student Financial Planning recognizes when an update is made to a Student Identifier field and stops transmitting information to COD until it is confirmed the update is accepted or rejected.

Note: Student Financial Planning consumes the SSN/Last Name/Date of Birth Change Reports saved in the institution's Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox on a weekly basis to confirm if the Student Identifier update is accepted or rejected by COD.

If COD accepts the updated Student Identifier, Student Financial Planning uses the new Student Identifier information for future COD transmissions and determines if a Common Record Message with the updated Student Identifier needs to be sent. If the old student identifier information was used in prior communications with COD, Student Financial Planning prepares and sends the Common Record Message to communicate the updated information.

However, if COD rejects the Student Identifier update, Student Financial Planning uses the old Student Identifier information for future COD transmissions. When Student Identifier updates are rejected, Student Financial Planning receives a warning/error/reject edit code, and that information is displayed in the Student Financial Planning user interface, based on configuration, and follows the Exception Handling process to resolve all reject edit codes.

Updates borrower identifier information

When the student, borrower, or institution submits an ISIR Correction and updates a Borrower Identifier field (SSN/Last Name/Date of Birth) a subsequent Central Processing System (CPS)/FAFSA Processing System (FPS) transaction occurs. Student Financial Planning recognizes when an update is made to a Borrower Identifier field upon receipt of a new ISIR or PLUS Application. When the new ISIR or PLUS Application is received, the first step is to confirm if the update is applicable to a Graduate Student applying for a Graduate PLUS loan or a Parent/Step-Parent applying for a Parent PLUS loan. Until it is confirmed that COD has accepted or rejected the update, Student Financial Planning stops transmitting information to COD.

Note: To confirm if the Borrower Identifier update is accepted or rejected by COD, Student Financial Planning consumes the SSN/Last Name/Date of Birth Change Reports saved in the institution's Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox on a weekly basis.

When changing Borrower Identifier Information for a Parent PLUS loan, it is important to ensure that the borrower information (SSN/DOB) does not match the student's identifier (SSN/DOB) information. When changing Borrower Identifier Information for a Graduate PLUS loan, it is important to ensure all changes made to the Borrower Identifier Information are reflected in the Student Identifier Information changes.

A PLUS Borrower's SSN update is allowed for only the following scenarios:

  • If the PLUS award was disbursed within the past 24 hours
  • If the PLUS loan is inactive
  • If the PLUS disbursements have not been disbursed
  • If the PLUS disbursement was only partially disbursed

If the Borrower is not the student, Student Financial Planning sends a Common Record message to the COD system relaying the Borrower Identifier update. If the Borrower is the student, Student Financial Planning confirms if the Student Identifier update was previously sent and if the update was accepted or rejected.

  • If the Student Identifier update was sent and accepted, Student Financial Planning sends the Common Record message to the COD system, relaying just the Borrower Identifier change.
  • If the Student Identifier update was not sent, Student Financial Planning sends the Common Record message to the COD system, relaying both the Borrower and Student Identifier changes.

If COD accepts the updated Borrower Identifier, Student Financial Planning uses the new Borrower Identifier information for future COD transmissions. If COD rejects the Borrower Identifier update, Student Financial Planning uses the old Borrower Identifier Information for future COD transmissions. When Borrower Identifier updates are rejected, Student Financial Planning receives a warning/error/reject edit code, displays that information based on configuration, and follows the Exception Handling process to resolve all reject edit codes.

Configurable Attributes

This feature does not have any configurable features.