Historical Fund Information Event Message

The Historical Fund Information message is required for Pell Originations for two types of students:

  • Students that have at least one disbursement in an outside system disbursed in an academic year prior to the first Student Financial Planning academic year
  • Students that are segmented into Student Financial Planning and are a re-entry after 180 days but have a disbursement in an outside system

The intention is that the HFI message is sent prior to the 1st Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message.

Note: Student Financial Planning is currently only configured to accept HFI files for PELL. When entering the <FinancialAwardType> it must be identical to the FUND_CODE in the FAS_FUND_CODE_DEFN table. If anything other than PELL is entered for Fund Type, it will return a Validation Error.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the Testing Steps.

  • Student
  • XML Viewer
  • Administration
  • System Management
  • Disbursement Administration

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.