Re-Entry Packaging

When Student Financial Planning determines a student is re-entering within 180 days the system re-initiates the financial aid process according to FSA regulations and reviews every current financial aid processes including the return to Title IV calculation, grant overpayments, post-withdrawal disbursements, late disbursements, exit counseling and repackages and/or disburses as necessary.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Determines if the student is re-entering

Student Financial Planning determines if the student is re-entering into the same program ensuring that the re-entry date is less than 180 days from the student's Official Last Date of Attendance (OLDA). Student Financial Planning evaluates if the student has any prior enrollment(s) for the same program and concentration in which the student withdrew. Programs with different version numbers are considered a re-entry into the same program.

Updates pending R2T4 calculations

If the student has a pending R2T4 calculation upon re-entry within 180 days of the OLDA, Student Financial Planning first determines if the pending R2T4 calculation is due to a configured delay (i.e. pending ISIR or repackage) or due to a student not officially rescinding the withdraw. If the student is in an officially withdrawn status and the pending R2T4 calculation is due to a pending ISIR or repackage, Student Financial Planning does not cancel the R2T4. Once an R2T4 calculation is completed on the prior enrollment, Student Financial Planning repackages the student and update the package and disbursements for the current enrollment.

If the pending R2T4 is not due to a configured delay, Student Financial Planning cancels the pending R2T4.

Updates prior R2T4 calculations

When the student is a re-entry within 180 days and the R2T4 has been completed, Student Financial Planning updates any disbursements that were canceled as a result of the completed R2T4. The cancellation reason is removed for all disbursements that were canceled with the following cancellation reason, Future Disbursement Cancelled after R2T4. The disbursement status is updated depending on whether the fund requires COD communication or not. If the fund requires COD communication, Student Financial Planning updates the disbursement status to Origination ready to be sent to COD; otherwise, the disbursement status is updated to Disbursement Scheduled.

Updates prior grant overpayments

If there is a pending grant overpayment when the student re-enters within 180 days Student Financial Planning updates the grant overpayment appropriately by first determining if the grant overpayment has been reported to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and/or Debt Resolution Services (DRS). If the grant overpayment has not been reported to NSLDS, Student Financial Planning updates the grant overpayment to Resolved. If the grant overpayment has been reported to NSLDS and/or DRS, Student Financial Planning creates a Report Grant Overpayment Resolution to NSLDS and DRS task for user review to resolve the grant overpayment with NSLDS.

Updates prior post-withdrawal disbursements

Student Financial Planning determines if there are pending post-withdrawal disbursements (PWDs) when the student re-enters within 180 days, cancels the PWD and draws down the appropriate funds after re-enrollment repackaging. If the student/parent have been sent a PWD Fund Acceptance notification, Student Financial Planning sends a subsequent message to the student/parent to notify them due to re-enrollment the PWD has been canceled.

If the student/parent already declined the PWD or did not accept the funds before the PWD Fund Acceptance Due Date and Student Financial Planning cancels the funds, the disbursement status and amounts are updated to the prior state as a result of repackaging. Student Financial Planning then awards these funds and the student/parent have the opportunity to accept these funds for the new enrollment.

If the student/parent accepts the PWD, Student Financial Planning updates the fund amounts to what they were prior to the student withdrawing as a result of repackaging. If there is a difference between what was previously disbursed and what the student is currently eligible to receive, Student Financial Planning makes necessary updates and awards appropriately.

If Student Financial Planning receives a fund acceptance message for a pending PWD when a student is considered a re-entry, Student Financial Planning updates the packaging based on the fund acceptance that results from the new award message.

Updates prior late disbursements

Student Financial Planning determines if there are any late disbursements when the student re-enters within 180 days.

If the student re-enters within 180 days, Student Financial Planning checks if there are any late disbursements for a prior enrollment that falls within the current academic year. If the late disbursements are for the current academic year, Student Financial Planning removes the "late disbursement" indicator. If the late disbursements are for a past academic year, the student is still required to accept the late disbursement and all existing rules apply.

If a late disbursement notification has been sent for the current academic year, Student Financial Planning sends a subsequent notification to inform the student/parent the late disbursement has been canceled due to re-enrollment and the disbursement(s) are no longer considered late disbursements and Student Financial Planning updates the disbursement amount based on the original late disbursement amount.

If the student declined the late disbursement or did not accept the funds before the due date and Student Financial Planning cancels the funds and updates the disbursement status and amounts to what they were prior to the student withdrawing upon completion of repackaging. Student Financial Planning then awards these funds and the student/parent has the opportunity to accept these funds for the new enrollment.

If the student accepts the late disbursement, Student Financial Planning updates the fund amounts to what they were prior to the student withdrawing upon completion of repackaging. If there is a difference between what was previously disbursed and what the student is eligible to receive, Student Financial Planning awards these funds and disburses the difference.

If the system receives a fund acceptance message for a pending late disbursement, Student Financial Planning updates the student's package and only updates it based on the fund acceptance that results from the new award message.

Update pending exit counseling notifications

If there are pending exit counseling notifications when the student re-enters within 180 days, Student Financial Planning closes any open notifications and sends the student a subsequent notification to communicate they no longer need to take action. If the student already completed the exit counseling, Student Financial Planning maintains the information without making any updates and takes no further action.

Re-initiates valid ISIR process for active ISIR on record

When a student re-enters within 180 days, Student Financial Planning needs to re-initiate the Valid ISIR process and identify the active ISIR on the student record. Student Financial Planning identifies the active ISIR for each Award Year if the student requires being packaged over multiple award years.

If the student re-enters into a payment period that crosses into a new award year, Student Financial Planning identifies the active ISIR transaction for the new award year. If the active ISIR is in a Valid (or Unverified, if Verification canceled) state, the re-entry process also considers the ISIR for the additional award year.

Repackages upon re-entry within 180 days

When Student Financial Planning identifies the student re-entered within 180 days, Student Financial Planning automatically begins the repackaging process using the same enrollment. During repackaging Student Financial Planning re-instates the current payment period using the previous enrollment. The student must pick up where they left off during the payment period that was active when they withdrew during the prior enrollment.


If the student was enrolled in a 60 credit program and withdrew in the 1st payment period of the 2nd Academic Year with 6 credits completed out of 12, they will return with 6 credits remaining in their 2nd Academic Year, Payment Period 1, and 12 credits remaining in Academic Year 2 Payment Period 2 (and the remaining 12 credits in academic year 3)

The student must also maintain the same loan period that was active when the student withdrew from the prior enrollment. Student Financial Planning re-initiates the loan period start and end dates based on the re-instated academic year dates.

During repackaging Student Financial Planning re-instates the Cost of Attendance (COA) from the previous enrollment.

  • The COA is the costs associated with the original period before the student withdrew.
  • The COA for a student returning to the same program within 180 days must reflect the original educational costs associated with the payment period from which the student withdrew
  • The Cost of Attendance must remain the same for the returning payment period

Initiates the disbursement release process for the resumed payment period based on repackage

Student Financial Planning automatically re-initiates the disbursement release process when a student re-enters within 180 days so that eligible disbursements for the resumed payment period can be drawn down.

If the disbursement for the resumed payment period did not occur, Student Financial Planning disburses those funds after the student is repackaged. If the student is eligible for a different amount based on a Valid ISIR, Student Financial Planning make necessary adjustments and disburses the appropriate amount.

Re-opens award year for re-entries if granted administrative relief

If an Award Year is manually re-opened, Student Financial Planning repackages the student.

Student Financial Planning alerts the user if there are any re-entry students in the same program within 180 days that require an award year to be opened for a resumed payment period. Student Financial Planning repackages the student once the user updates the Fund Close Out Date configuration and opens the award year for each fund the user selects.

Re-initiate SAP status

Student Financial Planning re-initiates the SAP status when the student is re-entering into the same program within 180 days to ensure that the correct SAP status is being carried forward. Student Financial Planning considers all the courses in the student's program when calculating the quantitative and qualitative components.

  • For the Qualitative component, the system should use the GPA for all courses in the student's program, up to the end of the payment period, including courses prior to the student dropping and re-enrolling.
  • For the Quantitative component, the system should consider all attempted and completed courses in the student's program, including courses prior to the student dropping and re-enrolling, to determine the maximum time frame and pace of completion.

When determining the SAP status, Student Financial Planning considers the student's SAP status prior to withdrawing. The student is placed in a Disqualified status if the student fails the GPA or Pace of Completion evaluation and was in a Warning or Probation status prior to withdrawing. However, if the student passes the GPA and Pace of Completion evaluation and was in a status of Probation, Disqualified or Warning status prior to withdrawing, they are placed in a Regular status.

Repackages upon re-entry after 180 days

Student Financial Planning repackages a student who is re-entering after 180 days and the new enrollment is created by starting a new academic year. The academic year is based on the first-course start date and all credits completed previously count as completed credits toward the program.

Configurable Attributes

There are no configurable attributes for this feature.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management to view the following information.
  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.