Status Definitions

Here are definitions of statuses used across Student Financial Aid (SFA) features. Status Definitions that are only applicable to the Student Financial Planning (SFP) product and not to the Student Aid Eligibility (SAE) product are indicated with the Note: "These statuses are used in SFP only."

Academic Statuses

The academic status is defined by the institution's Student Information System (SIS).
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
RG Regular
AP Academic Probation
DA Disqualified for Admission
AD Academic Disqualification
SD Scholastic Disqualification
SS Scholastic Suspension
EX Expulsion

Admission Statuses

The admission status is defined by the institution's Student Information System (SIS).
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
AM Admitted
CD Conditional
DC Denied for Cause
DE Admission Deadline Exceeded
DF Deferred
DN Denied
ND Non-Degree
OP Orientation Pending
PV Provisional
RE Re-entry Required
RI Registered International Credits
RG Regular
RR Registered

Batch Job Execution Report

Status Description Suggested Customer Actions
ABANDONED No activity has been detected from the job for 1 hour so the job is marked as ABANDONED. This is an abnormal terminal job execution status. Clients can trigger the job using the procedure described in KM article 2782213.1 or wait for the job to run using the system’s batch jobs schedule. If subsequent runs of the job finish in an ABANDONED status, clients should open an SR.
COMPLETED The job successfully completed processing as many records as possible. Clients should review existing reporting to reconcile for potential errors that might have occurred during job processing.
FAILED The job failed due to an internal error. Clients can trigger the job using the procedure described in KM article 2782213.1 or wait for the job to run using the system’s batch jobs schedule. If subsequent runs of the job finish in a FAILED status, clients should open an SR.
STARTED The job is running and processing data. None.
STARTING The job was triggered to start but has not started processing data. If a job remains in this status for an extended period of time, this can indicate the job is awaiting system resources to proceed. If a job does not move from STARTING status, clients should open an SR.
STOPPED The job was forced to stop by an internal process. Clients can trigger the job using the procedure described in KM article 2782213.1 or wait for the job to run using the system’s batch jobs schedule. If subsequent runs of the job finish in a STOPPED status, clients should open an SR.
UNKNOWN The job finished with an unanticipated status. No additional completion information is available. Clients can trigger the job using the procedure described in KM article 2782213.1 or wait for the job to run using the system’s batch jobs schedule. If subsequent runs of the job finish in an UNKNOWN status, clients should open an SR.

Disbursement Acceptance Statuses

A disbursement may require acceptance (that is, Late Disbursements and PWDs) and will follow certain state transitions throughout it's life-cycle.
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Disbursement Acceptance Pending For Title IV loans, Disbursement Acceptance outbound message is sent to student/parent and requires accepted value
Disbursement Acceptance Not Required For Title IV grants, eligible PWD or Late Disbursement is automatically disbursed and does not require acceptance
Disbursement Accepted For Title IV loans, the PWD or Late Disbursement has an accepted value from student/parent
Disbursement Not Accepted For Title IV loans, the PWD or Late Disbursement was not an accepted from student/parent
Disbursement Not Accepted by Due Date For Title IV loans, the PWD or Late Disbursement was not an accepted from student/parent by configured due date

Disbursement Criteria Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Not Met Requirements for the disbursement criteria have not been fulfilled
Met Requirements for the disbursement criteria have been fulfilled

Disbursement Statuses and Triggers

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description Trigger
Projected Disbursement Amount and Anticipated Disbursement Date has been determined, but the fund has not yet been awarded or if awarded requires acceptance The student has been packaged and the disbursement amount and anticipated disbursement date is set, however, the fund status is Projected or Estimated
Disbursement Scheduled Anticipated Disbursement Date and Disbursement Amount is determined but the Disbursement has not met the Origination Criteria (if applicable) Fund has been Awarded and Accepted and Origination Criteria (that is, acceptable enrollment/admissions status)
Pending COD Origination Start Date For non-campus based Title IV funds (excluding IASG), fund is pending COD origination start date

Fund has met configurable Origination Criteria, but COD is not open for the award year

Origination Criteria is evaluated in the Origination Batch Job

Origination Ready to be Sent to COD For non-campus based Title IV funds (excluding IASG), fund is ready to be originated/re-originated

Fund has met configurable Origination Criteria

Origination Criteria is evaluated in the Origination Batch Job

Origination Sent to COD For non-campus based Title IV funds (excluding IASG), Origination/Re-origination file sent for the disbursement An origination request has been sent to COD
Origination Rejected For non-campus based Title IV funds, COD has rejected the origination for the disbursement COD returned a response of Rejected to the origination request
Origination Accepted For non-campus based Title IV funds, COD has accepted the origination for the disbursement COD returned a response of Approved to the origination request
Disbursement On Hold For NFR Funds where the funds are not yet ready to be disbursed A user has manually placed a disbursement On Hold
Disbursement Canceled Disbursement has not been disbursed and is being canceled

Disbursement has not disbursed and is being canceled

(See Cancellation Reasons)

Disbursement Ready to be Sent to COD For non-campus based Title IV funds (excluding IASG), disbursement is ready to be sent to COD

All Disbursement Criteria for the disbursement has been Met

Disbursement Criteria is evaluated in a Disbursement Criteria batch job

Disbursement Sent to COD For non-campus based Title IV funds (excluding IASG), disbursement file sent to COD The disbursement request has been sent to COD
Disbursement Rejected For non-campus based Title IV funds, COD has rejected the disbursement COD returned a response of Rejected to the disbursement request
Disbursement Ready for Review School can configure a Non-Federal Fund to require user review after disbursement criteria is evaluated and met A Non-Title IV disbursement meets all Disbursement Criteria but requires user review

For non-campus based Title IV funds, COD has accepted the fund

For all other funds, the fund has met the disbursement criteria

COD returned a response of Approved to the disbursement request OR

A Non-Title IV disbursement that required review, has been reviewed and approved by a user

Disbursement Returned Disbursement has been disbursed and a part of all of the disbursement is being returned

Disbursement requires to be returned

eligibility amount changed (reduced)

student requested to return a portion of the funds

a credit balance check was returned

return to Title IV calculation resulted in a return

Held for QC Review Disbursement is On Hold due to a QC Hold Disbursement is subject to a disbursement related QC Hold
QC Reviewed Disbursement is no longer On Hold and will subsequently be disbursed, canceled, or returned A disbursement related QC Hold has been released
Pending Re-opened Award Year System has created a negative disbursement for an Award Year that has been closed-out There is a return or a disbursement required for an Award Year that has been closed out
Pending Previous Financial Award ID Cancellation

This status is used when a student is converted with more than one Financial Award ID for a single loan period. Student Financial Aid holds all originating and disbursing for the latest financial award ID until all non-disbursed disbursements are canceled.

In order to ensure that the newly created Financial Award ID is used moving forward, Student Financial Aid displays this status until the old (converted) IDs are fully canceled.

Student is converted and has more than one Financial Award ID for a single loan period
Pending COD Acceptance of Stafford Loan When the award amount changes for Subsidized and Unsubsidized funds in the same academic year, Student Financial Aid prevents re-originating the fund with the increased amount until the decreased amount has been fully accepted by COD. One Stafford Loan has been increased while the other has a decreased amount and communication with COD is pending
Pending Loan Fees Update When the loan fee and rebate amount associated to a fund changes, the existing award needs to be canceled with COD prior to originating the new amounts. This status will be used on the newly created disbursements while waiting for the prior amount to be canceled. Loan Fee Percentage Period has changed

Pending Previous Award Year Cancellation

When a disbursement is associated with multiple award years, Student Financial Aid waits until the award year being canceled is fully canceled prior to originating the current year disbursement. The current year disbursement remains in a Pending Previous Award Year Cancellation status until the award year being canceled is fully canceled. Disbursement for a previous award year is being canceled

Document Information

Document Type Definition
Document An official paper or computer file that provides information or proof about a student/spouse/parent borrower
Metadata Data that provides information about other data (e.g. First Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number etc.)
Document Sub-Type A document that requires multiple documents under one document name because each version contains different information or proof about a student/spouse/parent borrower (e.g. W2s, Tax Returns, Student Statement)

Document Statuses

Status Description

Document request has been sent to the student or appropriate party/system

Document continues to be displayed in the Pending Requests screen unless the Document Request is canceled by a user


Document message has been received from the institution's Document Management System and has not been accepted or rejected by Student Financial Aid

Manual Review Required (either based on configuration or due to failing metadata acceptance logic)

Document Remains in a required state and will only be updated to No Longer Required if the Manual Review results in the document being Approved or Canceled

Document continues to be displayed in the Pending Requests screen until Manual Review is complete and removed only if the Manual Review results in the document being Approved by a user or the document request is Cancelled by a user


Document has been received and has passed validation and all acceptance criteria

Document does not require manual review (manual review may have been required, but has been completed and document was approved)

Document is updated to No Longer Required

Document is no longer displayed in the Pending Requests screen


Document Management System determined the document was Unacceptable upon receipt or the document has been manually rejected by a user

Document is still required

Document continues to be displayed in the Pending Requests screen unless the document request is Canceled by a user


Document has passed its expiration period (e.g. only active for their associated award year).

Example: If a FAFSA for a closed award year is received after the configured Award Year ISIR Deadline Date, the document status is updated to Inactive

Eligibility Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Eligible Student meets eligibility requirements for the type of Title IV funding
Ineligible Student does not meet eligibility requirements for the type of Title IV funding

Enrollment Statuses (Hours)

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Full Time 12+ semester hours per semester/trimester or 12+ quarter hours per quarter
Three Quarter Time 9 - 11 semester hours per semester/trimester or 9 - 11 quarter hours per quarter
Half Time 6 - 8 semester hours per semester/trimester or 6 - 8 quarter hours per quarter
Less Than Half Time less than 6 semester hours per semester/trimester or less than 6 quarter hours per quarter

Enrollment Statuses (Student)

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Code Description
Admitted/Not Started AM The student has not yet started any coursework but has been admitted to the institution
Full-time F Student is enrolled full-time and is actively attending class
Half-time or more, but less than full-time H

Student is enrolled at least half-time, but less than full-time

Does not apply to non-term schools

Less than half-time L

Student is enrolled less than half-time

Does not apply to non-term schools

Approved Leave of Absence A Student is currently enrolled at this institution but is on an approved leave of absence
Never Attended X

Individual on whose behalf a loan was certified or awarded, who was admitted, may have enrolled (registered), but never attended classes at this institution

(Institution does have a record of the individual)

Cancel C Student has canceled their prospective enrollment
Graduated G Student has completed the course of study and is not currently admitted to, nor enrolled in, a different course of study at this institution
Deceased D Student is deceased
Withdrawn (voluntary or involuntary) W Student has officially withdrawn from all courses at this institution, stopped attending all classes at this institution but did not officially withdraw, or for any reason did not re-enroll at this institution for the next regular (non-summer) term without completing the course of study

Enrollment Statuses (Sub Type)

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Code Description
Deceased D Student is deceased
Official Withdraw OW Student has officially withdrawn from all courses at this institution
Unofficial Withdraw UW

Student stopped attending all classes at this institution but did not officially withdraw

Student did not re-enroll at this institution for the next regular (non-summer) term without completing the course of study

Administrative Withdraw AW Student has been withdrawn due to a failure to pay tuition and fees

Enrollment Types

Enrollment types are followed by the Enrollment Start Date (i.e. Original Enrollment - Enrollment Start Date).
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Type Description
Original Enrollment

The Enrollment Type is being set for the first time and student is not an External Transfer OR

Student does have a prior enrollment, but the Enrollment Type is not any of the following:

Advancing Degree

Re-Entry within 180 Days

Re-Entry after 180 Days

Change of Program - Same Payment Period

Change of Program - New Academic Year

External Transfer

Student does not have any prior enrollment within the system AND

Student has an overlapping loan period from a different school

Advancing Degree Student has a prior enrollment (internally) that overlaps their current enrollment and the status of the prior enrollment is Graduated
Changing Programs - Same Payment Period Student Changed Programs and Met all conditions required to remain in the same payment period
Change of Program - New Academic Year Student Changed Programs and did not Meet all conditions required to remain in the same payment period and is not re-entering the same program within 180 days
Re-Entry within 180 days Student is not an External Transfer and is re-entering into the same program equal to or less than 180 days from the latest Official Last Date of Attendance (OLDA)
Re-Entry after 180 days Student is not an External Transfer and is re-entering into the same program greater than 180 days from the latest Official Last Date of Attendance (OLDA)

Fund Acceptance Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Pending Acceptance Fund has met configured award criteria but requires fund acceptance
Accepted Fund has been accepted
Fund Not Accepted Fund not accepted by the student
Fund Not Accepted by Due Date Fund acceptance not received by configured due date for fund type
Fund Limited by Previous Acceptance Fund Acceptance is Pending Additional Acceptance and additional fund acceptance not received by configured due date.
Pending Additional Acceptance Fund Acceptance has been received and award amount has increased.

Fund Statuses

The Fund status is found in the Fund Information Table on the Packaging Screen.
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description

Required input data is not Actual.

For inputs to be Actual the following is required:

Valid ISIR or an Unverified ISIR (ISIR status is based on fund type) for the Award Year that is being awarded. If the ISIR is Valid for a past award year, the status will remain Projected.

NSLDS record received within the last 30 days.

The fund code Effective_Date within the FAS_FUND_CONFIG configuration workbook has not been set or hit for the fund award year.

COA configuration for the fund award year has not been set.


Required input data is Actual

ISIR and NSLDS are acceptable to progress to Estimated status

Award criteria batch job has run and fund type has Not Met all configured award criteria

Award Criteria is visible ...

For Non-Federal Funds (NFF) the status should be manually set during the awarding process


Award Criteria batch job has run and fund type has Met all configured award criteria or the fund type does not have to satisfy any award criteria

For NFF Funds the status should be manually set during the awarding process

For Other Resource Funds, Student Financial Aid sets the status to Awarded

G5 Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
G5 Ready Disbursement satisfies all set G5 ready criteria
G5 Ready - Refund Disbursements to be refunded to ED
G5 Confirmed Disbursement has been drawn down from G5
G5 Confirmed - Refund Disbursement has been refunded from successful G5 draw down transaction

Grant Overpayment Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Not Reported Grant Overpayment exists on the student record, but the overpayment has not been reported to NSLDS or referred to DRS
Reported Grant Overpayment exists on the student record and the overpayment has been reported to NSLDS or referred to DRS
Resolved Grant Overpayment on the student record has been resolved and set to zero

ISIR Code/Discrepancy Statuses

Status Description
Auto Cleared Any configured statements for automatic resolution have been evaluated
Clearance Not Required The code/discrepancy has been configured to not require clearance (e.g. comment code) and is strictly informative
Manually Cleared

Any configured statements for automatic resolution have been evaluated, but could not automatically clear the code/discrepancy

The code/discrepancy has been cleared from the manual review task

Processing The code/discrepancy is not clear, but is processing based on configured rules or within the manual review task
Student Follow Up

The code/discrepancy has been configured to require a follow-up student action to resolve the issue

The code/discrepancy is pending an update to be made via FAFSA on the Web

ISIR Statuses

Status Description
Inactive ISIR is not the active ISIR for the student. Either a subsequent ISIR has replaced the current one, or it was received before/ after the end of the ISIR Review - corrections period.
Pending ISIR is selected as the active ISIR and is pending the ISIR Review and/or ISIR Verification process

ISIR has been cleared of any required resolution for ISIR Review but has not been verified due to being received outside of the ISIR Verification period.

Also could be set if a user cancels the ISIR Verification process (Future At Will Action)


User has elected to cancel ISIR Review (Future At Will Action)

The ISIR has been manually updated to an invalid status by an authorized user (At Will Action)

Corrected ISIR has been corrected based on ISIR Review and/or ISIR Verification
Valid ISIR has been cleared of any required resolution for ISIR Review, has been verified (if required) and can be used to determine eligibility for all Title IV funding for the student

MPN Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
A Accepted
R Rejected or not on file with Common Origination and Disbursements (COD)
P Pending
C Closed
I Inactive

Packaging Statuses

The packaging status is found on the Packaging screen under the Packaging Summary.
Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Estimated All funds in the Academic Year are Estimated or Projected
Partially Awarded At least one fund in the Academic Year is Awarded and at least one other fund in the Academic Year is not Awarded
Awarded All fund statuses in the Academic Year are Awarded
Pending Repackage If the package has been or needs to be manually repackaged

QC Hold Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
On Hold Status when a QC Hold for a FAS process is in progress
Released Status when a QC Hold has been either released by a user or auto-released by the FAS (in the instance the QC Hold is replaced via a repackage)
Replaced by Updated Hold Status when hold has been replaced by an updated amount for that particular hold level for that FAS process
Hold No Longer Valid Status when a hold has become outdated, but the replacement hold has not yet been created due to sequence of the FAS processing

R2T4 Process Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Not Required The R2T4 calculation is not required
Not Started The R2T4 calculation has not started
Scheduled The R2T4 calculation has been scheduled
Paused The R2T4 calculation has been paused
Held for QC Review The R2T4 calculation is on hold due to a QC Hold
Canceled The R2T4 calculation has been canceled
Completed The R2T4 calculation has been completed

R2T4 Process Pending Reasons

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Pending Configured Delay

The school can configure the R2T4 to trigger immediately or after a specific number of days based on the type of withdrawal. For example, if a student has a withdrawal type of Official Withdrawal, and the configured delay is 0 days, the R2T4 calculation may be triggered once the enrollment status is received. However, if a student has a withdrawal type of Unofficial Withdrawal, and R2T4 calculation has a configured delay of 14 days the R2T4 calculation will be triggered on the 15th day from the student's Date of Determination (DOD).

Withdrawal Types

Official Withdrawal

Unofficial Withdrawal

Administrative Withdrawal


Note: The default trigger time frame for all withdrawal types will be 0 days if no configuration is defined.

Any changes that effect the trigger time frame that are received before the R2T4 calculation is triggered, do not change the scheduled calculation. For example, if the student's DOD is changed within the time period that an R2T4 calculation is scheduled, the calculation will still be triggered on the day it was originally intended.

Pending R2T4 SAFI The R2T4 calculation is ready to be calculated and Student Financial Aid has requested an R2T4 SAFI (i.e. the ReturnToTitleIvSafiIndicator is true). Student Financial Aid will wait until the new SAFI is received, and will allow any repackaging prior to doing the R2T4 calculation
Pending Valid ISIR Process If the status of an active award year ISIR (associated to the payment period) is Pending, Student Financial Aid will wait for the open Valid ISIR process to be completed before triggering the R2T4
Pending Packaging Process If the Academic Year Packaging status for the payment period being assessed is Pending Repackage, Student Financial Aid waits until the packaging or repackaging process is completed before doing the R2T4
Pending Ledger Date Reconciliation If the Ledger Posting Date in the Student Resource Element of the latest SAFI does not equal the disbursement date for the matching payment ID or have all the payment IDs, Student Financial Aid waits until a new SAFI is received and completes the reconciliation prior to doing the R2T4
Pending Change of Program Task Queue The R2T4 calculation is pending the completion of an Evaluate Student Change of Program task. Student Financial Aid waits because if the student remains in the same payment period the R2T4 calculation will be canceled.
Pending Override Completion If there is an R2T4 override that is still processing, the calculation will wait for it to be completed before doing the R2T4 calculation.
Note: Student Financial Aid triggers the R2T4 calculation 30 days from the Date of Determination, to ensure that the calculation is run within the required time frame set by the Department of Education (i.e. 45 days to process return of funds to the Department of Education and 30 days to request authorization to make a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title IV loan funds). Student Financial Aid does consider the current state of the active ISIR, package and disbursements at this time. If the active ISIR(s) for the associated award years of the payment period being assessed for R2T4 are not in a status of Valid or Unverified, the system triggers a cancellation of all future disbursements that rely upon the active ISIR(s). The R2T4 calculation persists based on the current state of anticipated disbursements that have been canceled (and/or have a cancellation reason set).

Reconciliation Discrepancy Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Pending Discrepancy has not yet been reviewed for resolution but has been triggered from the Reconciliation process
Resolved in FAS User has resolved discrepancy based on their review and other updates persisted in the FAS
Resolved in COD User has resolved discrepancy based on their review and other updates persisted outside of the system in COD
Unresolved User cannot resolve the discrepancy and will be carried forward into future reports

Reconciliation Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Pending Reconciliation record has not yet been reviewed or approved
Reconciled User has approved reconciliation record summary
Unreconciled User has not approved reconciliation record summary

Repackaging Triggers

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Trigger Source Trigger Description (i.e. Repackaging Reason)
SAFI Message Student Academic and Financial Information Message was received
ISIR ISIR status has been updated
Subsequent ISIR was not validated prior to Valid ISIR Deadline being reached
Student Demographic Information Message Student Demographic Message was received
Fund Acceptance Fund Acceptance Message was received
Fund Acceptance was not received by due date
SAP Status Updated SAP Status was updated
LOA LOA/Breaks Message was received
LOA Student has begun LOA
COD Message Classes PLUS Loan Application Message was received
Credit Status Response Message was received
Credit Decision Override Message was received
TEACH Grant Counseling Acknowledgement Message was received
ATS Note Acknowledgement Message was received
Disbursement Criteria Disbursement Criteria not met by due date
Disbursements Canceled Disbursement were re-evaluated
Aid Year Close Out Award Year is closed and pending disbursement exists
Award Management At least one fund has become Awarded
NFR NFR Fund was added or modified
NSLDS NSLDS/FAH Message was received
Package Detail Override Package details were manually overridden
Package Detail Override COA details were manually overridden
Academic Year / Payment Period Instructional Weeks and Credits have been met Student's Academic Year / Payment Period Credits and Instructional Weeks have been met
External Transfer Overlapping Loans for External Transfers Evaluated
Change of Program Student Changed Programs
Re-Entry within 180 Days Student re-entered within 180 days
Re-Entry after 180 Days Student re-entered after 180 days
Student Record Hold Student Record Hold was released
Sequester Reduction Required Sequester Reduction was Required
Payment Period Disbursement Amount or Payment Period Max Disbursement Amount is Updated Disbursements are updated, affecting projections for future loans.
Fund Allocation Fund allocation has been reached and amount needs to be adjusted
At will repackaging Student was repackaged at will
COA Adjustment An adjustment was made to the student's COA
Academic Year Overrides Academic year info overridden
Default Overpay Code Overridden Borrower Default Overpay Code Manually Overridden
Student Record Manually Overridden Student Record Details were manually overridden
Awarding Close Out Awarding has closed and funds not Awarded
Student Ended PP After Credits and Weeks Met Student Ended PP After Credits and Weeks Met

SAP Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Code Description
Regular RG

Student has met all minimum criteria to pass their SAP or is a new student

Student is eligible to receive Title IV aid

Financial Aid Warning FW

Student has not met either the minimum qualitative (GPA) measure or the quantitative (pace of completion) for the period

Student is eligible to receive Title IV aid

Financial Aid Disqualification FD

Disqualified from receiving any financial aid until SAP can be met

Student is not eligible to receive Title IV aid

Financial Aid Probation FP

Appeal granted for one payment period

Student is eligible to receive Title IV aid

SAP Statuses (Appeal)

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Approved Student has appealed, and the decision has been approved
Denied Student has appealed, and the decision has been denied

SAP Statuses (Component)

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description

The SAP component evaluation passed configured criteria

Components: Pace of Completion, Maximum Program Time Frame, and GPA


The SAP component evaluation failed configured criteria

Components: Pace of Completion, Maximum Program Time Frame, and GPA

Scheduling Statuses

Note: These statuses are used in SFP only.
Status Description
Passed Student completed the course and earned a passing grade.
Scheduled Student is scheduled to take the course at a future date.
Projected Student is projected to take the course at a projected future date.
Enrolled Student is currently enrolled in the course.
Failed Student completed the course and earned a non-passing grade.
Incomplete Course has ended, but students in the process of completing the course work.
Withdrawn Student withdrew from the course.

Student Notification Categories

Category Description
Informational Only A notification intend to provide information to the student. No action required.
Submit Document/Information A notification for the student to submit a document or additional information to the Institution that can be consumed by the FAS. Action required.
FA to Collect Student Info A notification for the student to provide the Financial Aid Office with additional information. However, the student will not need to submit a document or additional information that can be consumed by the FAS. (e.g. Verbal clarification about available information on the Student Record). Action required.

Student Notification Statuses

Status Description
Open Student Notification is Open and requires the student/borrower action.
Closed Student Notification is Closed and does not require any additional action from the student/borrower.

Task Statuses

Status Description

Assigned to an individual user

The user has not started the task

In Progress

Assigned to an individual user

The user started the task and can resume working on the task

Unassigned Task is not currently assigned to a user. If a task was in an Assigned or In Progress status and a supervisor manually un-assigns the task, it will be updated to an unassigned status.

Verification Status Codes

Status Description
V The student has been verified. This includes students selected by FPS/CPS and those chosen to be verified by the institution based on its own criteria.
W The student was selected for Verification by FPS/CPS or the institution, and the institution chose to pay the first disbursement of Pell without documentation. This code must be updated once Verification is complete, or COD will reduce the Pell grant to zero.
S FPS/CPS selected the student for verification, but the institution did not verify the student because the student satisfied one of the exclusions or because the institution participates in the Quality Assurance Program and the student’s application did not meet the institution's verification criteria.
BLANK A blank value is repaired when an institution does not perform verification because FPS/CPS nor the institution selected the student to be verified.