DOE File Management

You can enable or disable the receipt of Award Year-based Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) file formats from the United States Department of Education (ED, formerly referred to as DOE).

Enable and Disable ED File Formats

For every Award Year, the application requires you to enable each ED file format that you want Student Financial Planning (SFP) to process from the Central Processing System (CPS, for ISIRs) and COD (SFP-only).

The application doesn't process files for un-enabled formats, and they remain in the queue. Once the respective file format is enabled, the application automatically processes any files in the queue.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with this General Permission through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps:
  • DOE File Management.
See: Set General Permissions Matrix

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).

Enable DOE File Formats
  1. Navigate to: Administration > FAS Management > DOE File Management.
  2. Select an award year.
  3. Select the file names.
  4. Click Edit Selected.
  5. Enter the File Processing Start Date and Time in a mm/dd/yyyy hh:min AM/PM format.
    Note: Ensure the File Processing Start Date and Time is not in the future.
  6. Click Apply.
Disable DOE File Formats
  1. Navigate to: Administration > FAS Management > DOE File Management.
  2. Select an award year.
  3. Select the file names.
  4. Click Edit Selected.
  5. Ensure the File Processing Start Date and Time field is blank.
  6. Click Apply.