Load Message File

The Load Message File screen allows you to upload an inbound MPG message file.


You can upload one or multiple files for a single student or multiple students. When you upload an MPG file through the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI), the file posts to the MPG URL, handled by the Message Processing Gateway (MPG) the same as if it is received from an external source. The system reports any http errors on the UI if a post to MPG fails. Also, before Student Financial Aid does a post to the MPG URL the system does xml schema validation in java to make sure it will pass. If the post fails xml schema validation the system does not complete the post and the MPG never sees it. Student Financial Aid reports the xml schema validation errors on the UI so the user can see it, fix them and try again. However, it is possible for a Student Financial Aid API event to fail in Student Financial Aid for reasons that cannot be checked in advance through xml schema validation. If the message fails any defined business validation rules, these errors will not display on the UI, but can be reviewed in the app_event_error report or via the MessageValidationErrorReply event.

When a file is uploaded unsuccessfully, the Error Code and Error Message will be displayed.

When a file is uploaded through the Student Financial Aid UI, a student history entry is catalogued.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Load Message File
  • System Management
  • Administration

See Set Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Management > Load Message File
  2. Select Files manually
  3. Drag and drop file(s) onto the page
  4. Review MPG message upload info on the UI
  5. View the uploaded file (View only, no edit functions)
  6. Navigate to Student > Student History/Comment > Student History
  7. Select the category Manual Mode
  8. Click the Entry title to view student history message