Manage Self-Service Password Policy

Manage the requirements for Self-Service passwords.

You can define the password policy for users accessing Self-Service.

Manual Processing Steps

Student Self-Service Sign In

A Self-Service User Type of Admin and Role permission of Update Password Policy is required to access Settings and manage the Self-Service Password Policy Configuration.

  1. Gin into Student Self-Service as an Admin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Password Policy Configuration > System Settings.
  3. Enter a value for each field you want to use to define password requirements. All fields are optional except for Special Characters:
    • History Count specifies the number of previous passwords saved for each user and compares it with an intended new password. If there is a match with one of the previous passwords, or with the current password, it will reject the intended new password.
    • Expiration Period (days) is the number of days after which a password expires.
    • Minimum Length is the minimum number of characters required.
    • Minimum Lower Case Characters is the minimum number of lower case characters.
    • Minimum Upper Case Characters is the minimum number of upper case characters.
    • Minimum Numbers is the minimum number of numeric characters.
    • Minimum Special Characters is minimum number of special characters.
    • Special Characters are the available special characters that can be used. Choose at least 1 of these: ~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]\|:;'<>,.?/".
  4. Click Save.