Password Policy

An authorized user can Set or Update the Password Policy that all users are subject to use to access the Student Financial Aid user interface.


By default, there are 8 different parameters that are set to as the minimum policy. An authorized user can make changes to the default settings to increase security.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administrator

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Menu Bar > Administration > Security Management > Password Policy
  2. Add/Update parameters
    • Password History (times): The number of times a new password must be entered before using a previous password
    • Expiration Period: The number of days before Student Financial Aid requires the user to update his password
    • Minimum Length: The minimum number of total characters the password must be
    • Minimum Lower Case Characters: The minimum number of characters that must be lower case
    • Minimum Upper Case Characters: The minimum number of characters that must be upper case
    • Minimum Numbers: The minimum number of characters that must be a number
    • Minimum Special Characters: The minimum number of characters that must be a special character
    • Special Characters: The actual special characters that the user can use
  3. Click Save

Click Reset to refresh and rest the password policy to the default parameters.