Set General Permissions

Student Financial Aid provides you flexibility in creating divisions of labor through Roles Management.


Administrators can create, view, and update all roles based on permission mapping. In addition, the administrator can assign General Permissions based on a specific production process and further assign users to roles based on their area of expertise.

Note: See Set General Permissions Matrix to learn more.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with this General Permission through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below:

  • Administration.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

  1. Sign into the Student Financial Aid FAS User Interface (UI).
  2. Navigate to Administration > Security Management > Roles Management.
  3. Select the Role for which you want to enable or update permissions.
  4. Enable or disable General Permissions:
    • Check the box to enable the General Permission.
    • Uncheck the box to disable the General Permission.
  5. Click the General Read-Only Permission toggle switch to enable or disable that permission. The General Read-Only Permission can't be assigned to the System Administrator Role.
  6. Click Save.
Note: Make sure to enable or disable General Permissions on each available page.