Student Information

Student Financial Aid (SFA) supports integration with the institution’s Student Information System (SIS). The SIS initiates the Student Record and Financial Aid Process and manages updates to the SFA student record.


The institution's SIS sends a FasStudentInitiationEvent message to SFA when a student completes required Admission documentation to create the Student Record. If the message indicates that the student intends to apply for Federal Student Aid, the application automatically requests that the student complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the appropriate award year. The application automatically matches the resulting Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to the Student Record when received.

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

SFA automatically does the following things:

Receives and Creates New Student Records

The application creates a student record and displays it in the UI when the application receives a FasStudentInitiationEvent message.

Based on the FasStudentInitiationEvent message, the application can determine if the student intends to apply for financial aid. If the student intends to apply for financial aid, the application attempts to match ISIR, MPN, or any other SAIG files to the student record and sends the appropriate configured outbound student notifications (for example, award year FAFSA needed) to request additional required information.

Error Message

The application returns an outbound integration error message and doesn't create a new Student Record if the student’s unique institutional External Student ID or Social Security Number matches another student's information.

Updates the Student Record

SFA updates existing student records upon receipt of a FasStudentUpdateEvent message from the institution's Student Records System. The application uses the creation date and time to validate the FasStudentUpdateEvent message. The application updates the student record if the creation date and time is after the creation date and time of the FasStudentInitiationEvent message or after the current FasStudentUpdateEvent message. Using the External Student ID number, the application matches the FasStudentUpdateEvent message to an existing Student Record and then determines what data has been updated (for example, student identifier information, demographic data, and so on). The application accepts the inbound FasStudentUpdateEvent message and updates the demographic data, program information, program enrollment status, or contract dates appropriately.

If student identifiers (for example, Last Name, SSN, or DOB) have been changed, the application determines if the Student Record matches an ISIR or not. If the Student Record matches an ISIR, the information is updated. However, if the Student Record doesn't match an ISIR, the application creates a Student Notification to alert users that a discrepancy exists so they can determine if any corrections should be made for each award year ISIR.

If the student changes a request for financial aid, the application updates the student record appropriately:

  • Change from "No" to "Yes", student record proceeds through the FAFSA process.
  • Change from "Yes" to "No", student record proceeds to the packaging process.

Error Message

The application returns an outbound integration errors message if:

  • It can't match the External Student ID to an existing Student Record.
  • The creation date and time is before the current FasStudentUpdateEvent message.

Configurable Attributes

Configure if student record updates are sent to the institution's student record system.

You can configure whether the application sends student record information after any updating the student record.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission through Roles Management to view the following information.

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Aid User Interface Functionality

To view the Student Information Page:

Student Financial Aid User Interface > Student > Student Record > Student Information