Active Student Step 1: Become Financial Aid Eligible

Here are the details for Active Student Step 1: Become Financial Aid Eligible.

FAFSA Completion Messages

  • When Student Financial Aid (SFA) creates a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Completion notification, a message for the specific Award Year is displayed in this form: “Complete CCYY-CCYY FAFSA”; for example, “Complete 2021-2022 FAFSA”. The message is a hyperlink to the U.S. Department of Education’s FAFSA website.

  • The FAFSA Completion Period is configurable in SFA per award year. See Regulatory Management for more information. If the student has multiple Academic Years that cross over a single FAFSA Completion Period, the same message can be displayed for multiple Academic Years.

    If the SFA FAFSA Completion notification is Open, a status of Pending is displayed beside the message. If the SFA FAFSA Completion notification is Closed, a status of Completed is displayed beside the message. If the FAFSA completion period isn't configured, isn't yet open, or there is no FAFSA notification for the student based on the Financial Aid System (FAS) Notification web service, the message displayed is Not Yet Available.

  • FAFSA Completion messages are displayed for the appropriate Academic Year. If the student's Academic Year crosses over two Award Years, two messages may be displayed for the same Academic Year.

ISIR Code Messages

  • When SFA flags an ISIR Code for student follow-up, a message is displayed in this form: “Follow-up on Required CCYY-CCYY FAFSA Questions”; for example, “Follow-up on Required 2019-2020 FAFSA Questions”. The message is a hyperlink to the Notifications tab of Student Self-Service.

  • As long as the ISIR Code is on the active ISIR, the message displays a Pending status. When the active ISIR no longer has ISIR Codes, the message isn’t displayed. The Student Follow-Up status is based on the Code Clearing Script field in the ISIR C-Code Configuration Workbook that indicates if it's flagged as Student Follow-Up. Student Self-Service pulls the latest status from the Valid ISIR Process Status Request/Reply message.

  • ISIR Code messages are displayed for the appropriate academic year. If the ISIR Corrections period crosses Academic Years, a message could display over two Award Years.

Required Documentation Messages

  • When SFA creates Document Requests, a single message is displayed regardless of the number of documents requested. The message is in this form: “Submit all Required Documentation.”, and is a hyperlink to the Notifications tab of Student Self-Service.

  • If any Document Request has a status of Requested or Unacceptable, the message displays a Pending status. If the document status is Received, Acceptable or Inactive, the message displays a Completed status. If there are no documents requested for the student for that Award Year, the message displays a Not Required status.

  • When a document is configured for an Award Year, the document is requested for all Academic Years that span that Award Year. When a document is configured as a Lifetime document, it's associated with all Academic Years and won't be requested again as long as the document doesn't expire; for example, Passport, Driver’s License, and so on.

Note: Active Student Steps 2 and 3 are applicable to Student Financial Planning (SFP) only.