Evaluate Overaward Packages

You can review Financial Aid awards for overawarded students with awards that the application can't automatically lower.

The application creates this task when a student is awarded funds that exceed their Cost of Attendance (COA) and can't automatically adjust the funds. This is usually because the funds aren't awarded by the application; for example, Student Resources.

Here's how you complete this task:
  1. Review funds in the student's financial aid package.
  2. Manually update funds to resolve the overaward, adjust the applicable Student Resources received in the SAFI, or adjust the student's COA.
  3. Update the Resolution Description value.
  4. Click Complete Task.
The expected task results are:
  • Packaging Status is updated from Pending Repackage to Estimated, Partially Awarded, or Awarded based on the fund statuses.
  • The next time the application triggers the Disbursement Criteria batch job, the application updates the Student's Package is not Pending Manual Review Disbursement Criteria to Met.