Fund Eligibility

You can view a summary of fund eligibility for selected Federal student financial aid programs.


The Fund Eligibility page provides a consolidated view of all criteria required for a student's current disbursements by fund type for these Federal programs:
  • Pell Grant (PELL).
  • Direct Loan - Subsidized (DSUB).
  • Direct Loan - Unsubsidized (DUNSUB).
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG).
  • Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).
  • Graduate PLUS (GPLUS).
  • Supplemental Economic Opportunity Grant (FSEOG).
  • Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH).

This page is a read-only consolidated view of data that is displayed across other pages in the UI. You can't add, edit, or delete any data on this page.

Note: The page logic loops through the disbursement payments in order of Disbursement Number then Sequence Number and returns the first disbursement that isn't in Disbursed status. Therefore, if Payment Period 1 and 2 aren't disbursed, Disbursed Student Financial Planning displays the disbursement for Payment Period 1 until it is disbursed. When the Payment Period 1 disbursement is disbursed, the Fund Eligibility page displays results for the next disbursement.

Navigation to the Student Financial Planning User Interface Functionality

To View the Fund Eligibility Screen

Student Financial Planning User Interface > Student > Student Record > Financial Information > Fund Eligibility

Required Role Permissions

You must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to view the Fund Eligibility UI.

  • Fund Eligibility Viewer
Set General Permissions Matrix

Eligibility Matrix

The page displays an eligibility matrix with the columns representing the Fund Types and the rows representing fund criteria.

There are tabs to select different Award Years labeled Year 1, Year 2, and so on.

For each Fund Type, the Award Year, Next Disbursement for Fund (a date), and Disbursement Amount are displayed.

The Fund Criteria are grouped by:
  • ISIR Criteria
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Awarding Criteria
  • Remaining Actions needed to Disburse
Each row displays:
  • a fund criterion.
  • a criterion Owner. This is the party responsible for meeting the criterion and is hardcoded to the criterion:
    • University.
    • Student.
  • Whether the criterion is:
    • Met.
    • Not Met.
    • N/A.
      Note: Not all Eligibility Criteria are applicable to each Fund Type. If a specific criterion isn't applicable to a Fund Type, the cell displays N/A. For example, a completed TEACH Agreement to Serve is only applicable for the TEACH fund type; for every other Fund Type, the criteria displays N/A.
Note: You can configure custom criteria to display on this page. See Disbursements Guide. Custom criteria are only displayed if the applicable Fund Type has been awarded to the student.

ISIR Criteria

  • All requested documents have been received by the student:
    • The student doesn't have any documents in a Requested or Received status.
  • ISIR Review has been completed:
    • The ISIR process is complete and the ISIR is Valid.
    • The student doest not have a pending Complete ISIR Review task.
  • ISIR Verification has been completed:
    • If the ISIR status is Valid, this updates to Met.
    • If the ISIR status isn't Valid, the system checks the latest ISIR "Student Is Selected For Verification" flag:
      • If the "Student Is Selected For Verification" flag is "Selected", the Verification criteria isn't Met.
  • ISIR received for the student for Award Year and ISIR is Valid/Unverified and Active:
    • Student Financial Planning evaluates the Required ISIR Status in order to Award and/or Disburse funds.
Fund Required ISIR for Estimating/Awarding/Disbursing Fund Required ISIR for Projecting Fund
Pell Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging.
IASG Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging.
FSEOG Unverified or Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging; however, there may be other inputs into the fund that may cause the fund to be "Projected".
TEACH Unverified or Valid Based on the latest Unverified or Valid ISIR for the award year, the system always deems the fund eligible for estimation/awarding; however, there may be other inputs into the fund that may cause the fund to be "projected".
Sub Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging.
Unsub Unverified or Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging; however, there may be other inputs into the fund that may cause the fund to be "Projected".
PLUS Unverified or Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging; however, there may be other inputs into the fund that may cause the fund to be "Projected".
Grad PLUS Unverified or Valid ISIR has been selected to be used for packaging; however, there may be other inputs into the fund that may cause the fund to be "Projected".

Eligibility Criteria

  • Student is Eligible for the Fund:
    • The Fund Type is greater than $0.00.
  • PLUS Credit Decision is received and accepted:
    • If a student/parent is applying for PLUS loan a PLUS Application with an approved/accepted Credit Decision must be received.
    • If a student/parent is requires an endorser, an approved/accepted Credit Decision must be received.
  • TEACH Agreement to serve has been completed:
    • If a student is eligible for TEACH, the TEACH Agreement-to-Serve documentation is required.
  • TEACH Counseling Acknowledgement has been completed:
    • If a student is eligible for TEACH, the TEACH Counseling Acknowledgement is required.

Awarding Criteria

  • NSLDS Loan History has been received:
    • An NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) file is required for funds to be packaged.
    • An NSLDS FAH file has been received:
      • For funds to update from Projected/Estimated to Awarded, the NSLDS must have been received within the past 30 days.
      • However, this criteria is Met if any FAH file has been received.
      • Note: Awarded funds should not be removed if the NSLDS has been received and then 30 days elapses.
  • Student has an acceptable Admissions Status:
    • RG - Regular
    • AM - Admitted
    • PV - Provisional
  • Student has an acceptable Enrollment Status:
    • F - Full Time.
    • H - Half-time or more, but less than full-time.
    • L - Less than half- time.
    • A - Approved Leave of Absence.
    • X - Never Attended.
    • G - Graduated.
    • W - Withdrawn (voluntary or involuntary).
    • AC - Academic Complete.
    • AM - Admitted/Not Started.
  • Student has an acceptable Academic Status:
    • RG - Regular.
    • AP - Academic Probation.
  • Student within 30 Days of Academic Year Start Date:
    • The current date must be within the configured time frame (for example, 30 days) from the start date of the Academic Year for funds to be Awarded.
  • Student within 30 Days of Enrolled/Scheduled Class:
    • The student's first course in the Academic Year must be in an Enrolled/Scheduled status and be scheduled to start within the configured time frame (for example, 30 days) for funds to be Awarded.

Remaining Actions needed to Disburse

  • Academic Related Activity (ARA) has Posted in First Course of NFR Term:
    • Student must post attendance in the first course of the NFR term for any Non-Federal Fund type to disburse.
    Note: This is a delivered Disbursements.csv configuration.
  • Awarding QC Hold doesn't exist for Loan Payment Period associated to the fund:
    • The Award Amounts Determined can't be in an On Hold status for loan funds to disburse.
  • Awarding QC Hold doesn't exist for NFR (NFF) Period associated to the fund:
    • The Award Amounts Determined can't be in an On Hold status for non-federal funds to disburse.
  • Awarding QC Hold doesn't exist for Payment Period associated to the fund:
    • The Award Amounts Determined can't be in an On Hold status for grant funds to disburse.
  • COD has accepted an origination of the fund:
    • The fund must have been in a Disbursement Status of Origination Accepted.
    • You can validate this on the Common Record Information page.
  • Disbursement hasn't been canceled:
    • If the fund has been canceled, funds aren't disbursed.
  • Disbursement isn't on hold:
    • If a COD Request has been "Sent", funds don't disburse if there is an associated Packaging Hold.
    • If there is an associated QC Hold in an On Hold status for the fund type, the funds aren't disbursed.
  • Disbursement Acceptance is Received and Status is Set:
    • If the student is eligible for a Late Disbursement or Post Withdrawal Disbursement, the funds don't disburse until Disbursement Acceptance has been received, and the status is Accepted
  • Disbursement Acceptance is Set:
    • If the student is eligible for a Late Disbursement or Post Withdrawal Disbursement, the funds don't disburse until Disbursement Acceptance has been received, and the status is Accepted
  • Fund Allocation is ready to be disbursed:
    • If the fund is part of a Fund Allocation, for example, FSEOG, the Allocation Period must be ready to be disbursed.
    • Funds Ready for Disbursement indicator must be equal to True.
  • Fund has been Accepted by Student if Required:
    • If Fund Acceptance is required, funds won't disburse until Fund Acceptance is received
    • Fund Acceptance status should be equal to Accepted or Pending Additional Acceptance Awarded funds shouldn't be removed if the NSLDS has been received and then 30 days elapses.
      Note: Students are required to accept 100% of any eligible Subsidized funds before Unsubsidized funds disburse.
  • Fund has been Awarded:
    • Funds don't disburse while in a Fund Status of Projected or Estimated .
  • Fund isn't pending Re-evaluation:
    • Non-Federal Funds don't disburse if they are pending Re-evaluation.
  • PLUS Credit Requirements Have been met:
    • Student must have an approved/accepted Credit Decision, if applicable.
    • If the file type associated to the Final Credit Decision Status is CRSP or CRCS for the academic year associated to the PLUS disbursement, then the <CreditRequirementsMet> tag must be equal to True.
  • Student has Academic Related Activity in the Payment Period that the fund is being disbursed for:
    • Student must have at minimum one Academic Related Activity (ARA) for the Payment Period.
    • You can validate this by reviewing the Program Information.
  • Student is Active and not on LOA:
    • If the student is on an approved Leave of Absence (LOA), any pending disbursement is paused, and the Anticipated Disbursement Date is updated to be the day after the student returns from the LOA.
  • Student is Active or on LOA:
    • Student must be in an Active Status for funds to disburse.
  • Student isn't on LOA:
    • Student isn't on an approved LOA.
      Note: This is a delivered Disbursements.csv configuration.
  • Student isn't on hold:
    • The Student Record Hold indicator must be equal to FALSE for fund to disburse.
  • Student's "Entrance Counseling" has been Completed and isn't "Disqualified":
    • Student is required to complete Entrance Counseling.
      Note: This is a delivered Disbursements.csv configuration.
  • Student's ISIR needed for disbursement is in eligible status:
    • Status must be equal to Valid or Unverified, depending upon Fund Type, for funds to disburse.
  • Student's Package isn't Pending Manual Review:
    • The student's packaging status isn't equal to Pending Repackage.
  • Student's SAP has been completed and isn't "Disqualified":
    • SAP status cannot be in a status of FD - Financial Aid Disqualification.
    • SAP status can be in any of the following statuses:
      • RG- Regular.
      • FW - Financial Aid Warning.
      • FP - Financial Aid Probation .
  • Student has fully accepted their Subsidized Loan if awarded.
  • Transfer monitoring request to NSLDS was made more than 7 days prior to the system date:
    • Because the student is submitted to the Transfer Monitoring List, the student's NSLDS FAH file must be requested a minimum of 7 days prior to the funds disbursing.