Manage Self-Service System Settings Configuration

You can enable or disable a variety of Student Self-Service System Settings.

Manage System Settings

Here are the system settings available for Student Self-Service.

Note: Settings applicable to Student Financial Planning (SFP) only are indicated.
  • Enable Authorization To Hold Notification-(SFP only): Select this option to prompt student and parent users to elect whether they would like the school to hold their credit balances to cover specific fees and/or future charges. Only enable this option if the school is leveraging SFP to calculate the credit balance for the student or parent.
  • Enable Pell Fund Acceptance-(SFP only): Select this option to enable students to accept a Pell Grant award.
  • Enable IASG Fund Acceptance-(SFP only): Select this option to enable students to accept an IASG award.
  • Enable FSEOG Fund Acceptance-(SFP only): Select this option to enable students to accept a FESOG award.
  • Enable TEACH Fund Acceptance-(SFP only): Select this option to enable students to accept a TEACH award.
  • Enable ISIR Only View: Select this option to limit the student or parent user’s view to Step 1– Become Financial Aid Eligible on the Home page and hide the Financial tab in Student Self-Service.
  • Enable FERPA Consent: Select this option to make verification of FERPA consent a requirement when enabling delegated access to a guest or parent user in the student’s profile.
  • Enable Delegated Access: Select this option to enable the application to validate whether a FERPA consent form has been signed and if the logged-in user matches the delegated access user.
  • Enable Two Step Dependent VWS Signatures: Select this option to require the dependent verification worksheet be signed by two different users in two different login sessions. If not selected, the worksheet can be signed by two users in one session.
  • Enable PLUS in Fund Acceptance workflow-(SFP only): Select this option to include PLUS offers with other Direct Loan fund types in the fund acceptance workflow.
  • Enable GPLUS in Fund Acceptance workflow-(SFP only): Select this option to include Graduate PLUS offers with other Direct Loan fund types in the fund acceptance workflow.
  • Maximum Number of Document Uploads: Select the maximum number of files that a user can upload when uploading unrequested Documents. Default value is 10.

Manual Processing Steps

A Self-Service User Type of Admin is required to access Settings.

  1. Log into Student Self-Service as an Admin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > System Settings Configuration > System Settings.
  3. To enable a system setting, select the check box for the setting.
  4. To disable a system setting, deselect the check box for the setting.

Manage Funds Configuration (SFP only)

Enable or disable which Fund's awards are displayed in Student Self-Service when they are in Projected status.

Manual Processing Steps

A Self-Service User Type of Admin is required to access Settings.

  1. Log into Student Self-Service as an Admin.
  2. Navigate to Settings > System Settings Configuration > Funds Configuration.
  3. To enable display of a Projected award from a Fund in Student Self-Service, select the check box for the Fund.
  4. To disable display a Projected award from a Fund in Student Self-Service, deselect the check box for the Fund.
  5. Click Save.