Reevaluate a NFF Fund

You can re-evaluate a Non-Federal Fund (NFF) due to an overaward or if the fund requires final review before disbursement.

The application creates this task when:
  • An NFF fund is configured to require review prior to disbursing, and all other disbursement criteria have been met; in other words the disbursement is in the status of Disbursement Ready for Review.
  • The student is overawarded and has an NFF fund that needs to be manually adjusted.
Here's how you complete this task:
  1. Review Re-evaluation Reason that triggered the task.
    1. If configured to Re-evaluate Prior to Disbursing, review NFF disbursement to validate it can be disbursed.
    2. If the student is overawarded due to NFF funds, manually update the NFF funds to resolve the overaward.
  2. Click Complete Task.
Expected task results are:
  • If the Re-evaluation Reason is Re-evaluate Prior to Disbursing, disbursement will progress. If QC holds are present, disbursement status is updated to Held For QC Review. Otherwise, disburse the fund.
  • If the Re-evaluation Reason is Overaward Caused by NFF fund, the packaging status remains in Pending Re-package until the overaward is resolved, and the fund won't disburse until the overaward is resolved.