Self-Service Overview for Student Financial Planning

Student Self-Service, sometimes referred to as the Student Portal, guides student and guest users through the Financial Aid process. Administrative users can manage user access and select options for the Self-Service UI. They can also look up a student to access the student’s view for financial aid counseling purposes.

The Student Self-Service landing page displays a Welcome greeting and the student’s current Enrollment Type and Program Type. You can access prior or future Enrollments by clicking the View More Programs link. A numeric callout displays with the link if there are actions that need to be completed for any Enrollments other than the one in context. When you click View More Programs, all Enrollments associated with the student are listed with their respective Start Dates. The Programs are sorted by Active (Enrolled) then Non-active (Withdrawn, Deceased, Graduated) Enrollment status. Within Active and Non-active, the programs are sorted in ascending order by Academic Program Start Date. You can select any program to change the context of the Home page.

For active students, those in an Enrolled status, the Home page displays Steps for Active Students that guide the user and provides information about any pending actions required for the student to become financial aid eligible, review and accept available awards, and receive funds.

For inactive students, those in a Withdrawn, Deceased or Graduated status, the Home page displays Steps for Inactive Students that guide the user and provides information about exit counseling, refunds or overpayments, and notifications associated with receiving any funds that the student is still eligible to receive

In addition to the guided steps, users can select linked tabs that open pages for information and instructions for the following areas:

  • Home - Select the Home tab to return to the Home page.
  • Documents - Select the Documents tab to view and act on Document requests. These are the same Documents accessed in the FAS by navigating to Student > Documents.
  • Notifications - Select the Notifications tab to view the student’s Notifications. These are the same Notifications that can be accessed in the FAS by navigating to Student > Student Record > Notifications. If there are pending Notifications, a number is displayed over the Notifications tab that shows how many notifications are in Pending status.
  • Financial - Select the Financial tab to see summaries of and act on the student’s financial aid awards by Academic Year.
  • Messages - Select the Messages tab to see letters that have been sent to the student. These are the same letters that can accessed in the FAS by navigating to Student > Student Record > Letters.
Note: If there are pending actions for any tab, a numeric call-out is displayed next to the tab with the number of pending actions.