Student Record Holds

A Student Record Hold can be applied to a student's record to prevent certain financial aid processing from happening until the hold is released.

Overview of Student Financial Aid (SFA) Student Record Holds

Types of holds are Fraud Holds, Conversion Holds, and so on. Student Record Holds can be placed or released manually for an individual student record through the Student Record Hold page in the FAS user interface or for a group of student records with event messages.
Note: Holds that are relevant to Student Financial Planning (SFP) only are indicated.

Processes that are prevented with a Student Record Hold

  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Evaluations (SFP only)
  • Packaging (SFP only)
  • Originations (SFP only)
  • Disbursing (SFP only)
  • Credit Balance (SFP only)
  • Enrollment/Program Information Updates. Course updates from a Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message are displayed in the UI does not trigger packaging. (SFP only)

Processes that are allowed with a Student Record Hold

  • ISIR Processing
  • R2T4 Processing (SFP only)
  • National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Processing (SFP only). The updated NSLDS data is visible in the UI but does not trigger Packaging.

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

SFA automatically does the following things:

Completes the following actions when a Student Record Hold is initiated:

  • Records the user ID that initiates the student record hold.
  • Records the date and time when the student record is placed on hold.
  • Follows processing rules for each financial aid process, including message processing. Both Document Collection and, for (SFP only), the Return to Title IV (R2T4), Post-Withdrawal, and Grant Overpayment processes continue.
  • Allows comments for the hold.
  • Triggers the Student Record Hold Student Notification (Outbound) Message.
Note: If the Student Record Hold Type is Conversion, all FAS processing and processing of MPG Messages is stopped.

Adds a student record hold to all new student records (if configured)

If the school sends a FasOnStudentInitiationRecordHoldConfigEvent message through the Message Processing Gateway (MPG) for a specific type of student record hold, SFA automatically applies the defined hold to all new student records when they are initiated.

You can reset the SFA configuration that automatically adds a Student Record Hold to all new student records. The configuration is re-set when an updated FasOnStudentInitiationRecordHoldConfigEvent message is sent through the MPG. For SFA to stop adding the Student Record Hold the HoldOnInitiation tag should be equal to false.

Adds a student record hold to a single student record upon receipt of an event message

If the school sends a FasPlaceStudentRecordHoldEvent message through the Message Processing Gateway (MPG) a Student Record Hold, SFA automatically applies the defined hold to a single student.

Releases a student record hold to a single student record upon receipt of an event message

SFA automatically releases a Student Record Hold for a single student when a FasReleaseStudentRecordHoldEvent message is received through the MPG.

Financial Aid processes are affected by Student Holds and release of student holds as indicated in this table.

Note: All SAFIs with a status of Withdrawal or Deceased are processed when received while a student is on a Student Record Hold. All SAFIs with statuses other than Withdrawal or Deceased are held and not processed while a student is on a Student Record Hold. When the Student Record Hold is released, the first Active SAFI and the last Active SAFI received while the student was on hold are processed.
Note: Processes that are relevant to SFP only are indicated.
Financial Aid Process Processing While On Hold Processing After Release Hold
Document Collection
  • Allow document collection process to continue.
  • Allow at will document requests.
Document processing continues.
ISIR Processing If Student Hold configuration indicates FALSE for valid ISIR processing:
  • Holds the ISIR and prevents Valid ISIR processing.
  • Closes any pending Valid ISIR processing.
If Valid ISIR Process was canceled or ISIR was received during the hold, the system uses the latest ISIR received and triggers the Valid ISIR process.
Professional Judgment (PJ) Process
  • PJ process continues (document requests and task queue).
  • At-will corrections or codes to be cleared in task queue.
PJ process continues.
Academic Year/Payment Period (PP) Engine (SFP only)
  • Instructional weeks batch job still runs.
  • End of PP could be met if credits for PP were already met prior to hold.
  • Repackaging is locked so Academic Year/PP engine isn't triggered.
First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) (SFP only)
  • Prevents Repackaging SAP status trigger.
  • SAP appeals process continues.
SAP is triggered at end of next Payment Period.
Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) Processing (SFP only)
  • Hold processing of SAFIs and prevent SAFI repackaging trigger except for R2T4 processing.
  • If the student doesn't have an Enrollment on record, system creates the Enrollment but the student is not packaged.
First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Packaging Engine (SFP only) Prevent Packaging and Repackaging. First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Awarding (SFP only)
  • Awarding engine is not triggered.
  • Awarding batch job runs but student is skipped.
First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Non-Federal Funds (NFR/NFF) (SFP only)
  • Re-Evaluate Task Queue continues.
  • NFR Process Document Task Queue continues.
Fund Acceptance (SFP only)
  • Fund Acceptance Due Date batch job runs as is.
  • If fund acceptance is received, the fund acceptance status is updated, but the student isn't repackaged and disbursements aren't updated.
First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging using the latest received fund acceptance.
Credit Balance (SFP only)
  • Prevent Credit Balances from releasing.
  • Prevent Repackaging (doesn't trigger updates to credit balances).
First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) (SFP only) Allow COD files to continue processing if the last SAFI has a Withdrawn or Deceased Enrollment Status, disbursements are originated. First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
NSLDS (SFP only) Hold all NSLDS files received and prevent repackaging trigger. Trigger Repackage based on latest NSLDS file.
G5 Status (SFP only) If a Disbursement is updated to Disbursed and is G5 ready, you can still drawdown funds even if the student is on hold. First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Disbursements (SFP only)
  • Disbursements are not released.
  • Disbursements can be decreased (returns or cancellations).
Disbursement criteria is re-run.
Late Disbursements (SFP only) Disbursement Acceptance Communication not sent to student.
  • Disbursement criteria is re-run.
  • Determine if LD is still valid and continue processing or cancel.
Transfers (SFP only) Run transfer logic and prevent SAFI repackaging triggers. First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Return to Title IV Funds, Post-Withdrawal Disbursements, and Grant Overpayment Calculations (SFP only) Allow processes to continue. N/A
Quality Control (QC) Holds (SFP only) QC process continues but processing are still subject to Student Record Holds. N/A
Loan Fee Update (SFP only) Prevent the loan fee processing update. Loan fee processing update is triggered.

Follows messaging rules per financial aid process

This table describes holds related to MPG Messages that are not covered in the Student Record Holds for Processing table.
Note: Messages related to (SFP only) are indicated.
Message Processing while on Hold Processing After Release
Student Demographic Information
  • Message is held.
  • Doesn't trigger repackaging.
  • Doesn't trigger resulting notifications.
  • Triggers matching processes but no actions are taken.
Trigger repackage with latest message.
Authorization to Hold for Credit Balances (CB) (SFP only)
  • Message is held.
  • Doesn't trigger CB calculation.
Trigger repackage and CB calculation with latest message.
Leave of Absence (LOA) and Breaks in Attendance (SFP only)
  • Message is held.
  • Process disbursement updates.
  • Doesn't trigger repackage.
Trigger repackage with latest message.
Document Receipt Triggers the document collection process. N/A
Document Rejection Trigger message. N/A
Document Request Trigger message. N/A
FAFSA Trigger message. N/A
Professional Judgement Process Trigger message. N/A
Award Information (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
Cancel Disbursement Message (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Cancel Fund Award Message (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
Credit Balance (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
Disbursement Information (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
Financial Plan (SFP only) Trigger message when decreasing disbursements. First and last active SAFI trigger repackaging.
Disbursement Acceptance Information (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
MPN & Borrower Information (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
SAP Appeals Process Information (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
SAP Information (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Deceased Student Notification (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Exit Counseling Messages (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
G5 Information Message (SFP only) Trigger message for returns. Trigger message once draw down for disbursements is completed.
Grant Overpayment Referral (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Grant Overpayment Student Notification (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Letters Message Trigger message. N/A
Notification for R2T4 Refund (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
QC Hold Information (SFP only) Message not triggered. N/A
Return to Lender (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Document Metadata Web Service Trigger message. N/A
Document Process Status Web Service Trigger message. N/A
FA History Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
ISIR Information Web Service Trigger message. N/A
Professional Judgment Process Web Service Trigger message. N/A
Valid ISIR Process Web Service Trigger message. N/A
Awarding Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Credit Decision Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Disbursement Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Entrance Counseling Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Financial Plan Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
MPN Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
PLUS Application Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
Student History and Comments Web Service Trigger message. N/A
Letters Web Service Trigger message. N/A
SAP Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
SAP Appeals Process Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A
QC Hold Information Web Service (SFP only) Trigger message. N/A

Configurable Attributes

Configure Student Record Hold Types

The school can configure the titles of the types of Student Record Holds using the STUDENT_HOLD.csv configuration workbook.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management to view the following information.

  • Student Holds

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Aid User Interface Functionality

To view the Student Record Hold page, Student Record > Student > Student Holds > Student Record Holds.