Supervisor View

The Supervisor View Dashboard enables you to manage tasks within each task queue.


Through the Supervisor View Dashboard you can assign or un-assign tasks. For example if an employee has tasks assigned to themselves and will be out for an extended period of time, you can un-assign those tasks and assign them to other users or leave them unassigned so other users can claim them from their dashboard.

This dashboard also provides administrators a view of each task queue and its specific details to assist you in managing task workflows.

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

Student Financial Aid automatically does the following things:

Displays supervisor dashboard

From this screen, you can see how many total tasks are in each queue and how many have been claimed/assigned to users.

Displays specific details for each task queue

When a Task Queue is selected by a user, the FAS will display details about the task queue. Each task queue will display different attributes that are specific to the tasks and available information. Some examples would include but are not limited to, the Task Owner, Priority Status, Creation Date, Student Name, (Task) Status, External Student ID, Award Year, and others.

Task Queue Content

Commonly Used Columns Examples of Other Columns
Task Owner Priority Created Date Status Student Name External Student ID Award Year Process Status Fund Types Document Type Due Dates Approval Status Other

Configurable Attributes

  • Queue Content
    • The information returned in a task queue can be configured to meet the schools business needs.
  • Task Priority
    • Unless configured, tasks are assigned first-in-first-out (FIFO).

To View the Supervisor Dashboard

Student Financial Aid User Interface > Dashboard > Supervisor View

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration
  • Dashboard Supervisor
  • Dashboard

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

View the Supervisor Dashboard

  1. Task Queue: Click to drill down to view additional details.
  2. Total Tasks: Total number of tasks in the specific queue.
  3. Claimed Tasks: Total number of tasks in an Assigned status.

Un-assign, Un-assign and Update Task Priority

  1. Common Task Queue Details
  2. Specific Task Queue Details
  3. Assign tasks to users
  4. Un-assign tasks to users
  5. Update the priority of the task (priority is based on configuration)