Update Disbursement Number and Sequence Number

You can update the Disbursement Number and/or Sequence Number for any given disbursement.


A user may change the disbursement and/or sequence numbers to update the Student Financial Planning disbursing screen so that it matches what is reported via Common Originations and Disbursements (COD) or in order to update COD.

Additional Rational for reconciling SFO when adjustments are made outside the SFP system.

When an adjustment is made outside the system directly with COD, you must update Student Financial Planning to the sequence number created on COD (66-99). If you do not update the sequence number to a value between 66-99, the next time the system communicates with COD, COD will reject the disbursement record for incorrect sequence numbers (i.e. Reject 56).

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration
  • System Management
  • Disbursement Administrator

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Management > Disbursement Administration
  2. Enter the student's External Student ID in the search field and select student
  3. Double click the existing number under the Disb. # column to update the Disbursement Number
  4. Double click the existing number under the Seq. # column to update the Sequence Number
  5. Take Action
    1. Click Save Disbursement Records to save the information in the Student Financial Planning UI
    2. Click Send Originations to COD to communicate the originations for the entire fund group for every fund type
    3. Click Re-originate to communicate the originations for the entire fund group for the fund type selected

Tips for updating the Disbursement/Sequence Numbers

If you are updating Student Financial Planning to reflect the disbursement number and/or sequence number reported in COD, you do not have to re-originate the disbursements, just click "Save the Disbursement Records" button. Once you save the disbursements, confirm the disbursement/sequence numbers are updated correctly in the Disbursing UI and the updated info matches what is reported on COD. If you do not click the "Re-originate" link, the updates are not sent to COD and are only updated in the Student Financial Planning UI.

However, if you need to change the disbursement/sequence numbers in order to update COD, update the disbursement/sequence number appropriately, update the disbursement status to "Origination Ready to Send to COD," and then click the "Re-Originate" link for each disbursement record that you updated. When the Disbursement Batch Job runs, it picks up all disbursements in a status of "Origination Ready to Send to COD."