Update Origination Files

You can review students that don't have the required response for a High School Diploma on their ISIR and select the appropriate Student Eligibility Code. Completing this task allows Direct Loan originations with Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) to proceed.

For the 2023-2024 and prior Aid Years:

The Origination Review Task / Review Origination File Update Task is created when the HS Diploma or Equivalent field on an ISIR has a value of:

  • GED/State Certificate,
  • Neither High school diploma, GED/State Certificate, nor Home schooled, or
  • BLANK.
Here's how you complete the task:
  1. Select an appropriate value for the Student Eligibility Code and any additional required fields.

  2. Click Complete Task.

Expected task result is originations are sent to COD.

For the 2024-2025 and future Aid Years:

The Origination Review Task / Review Origination File Update Task is created when the High School Completion Status field on an ISIR has a value of:

  • State recognized high school equivalent (for example, GED),
  • Neither High school diploma, State recognized high school equivalent, nor Homeschooled, or
  • BLANK.
Here's how you complete the task:
  1. Select an appropriate value for the Student Eligibility Code and any additional required fields.

  2. Click Complete Task.

Expected task result is originations are sent to COD.