User-Defined Reports

You can create your own reports from scratch or by modifying delivered reports. You can also share reports or have reports that are only visible to you by using the Shared Folders and My Folders feature of Oracle Analytics Server (OAS).

  • Shared Folders reports can be seen by all users with the correct permissions.

  • My Folders reports can only be seen by you.

For reports that use Federal Tax Information (FTI) data:

  • Column names where the column contains FTI data end with _FTI to denote the values in the column are FTI values and should be treated as restricted data. FTI values in the column don't contain the CUI labeling to preserve the data types.
  • Report writers should use a format function FASRPT.fasrpt_mv_util_pkg.format_fti to label FTI data outputs with CUI//SP-TAX prior to the value in any output.
    • Here is a generic example:
      • select
        • FASRPT.fasrpt_mv_util_pkg.format_fti('FIELD1_FTI', FIELD1_FTI) as FIELD1,
        • F FASRPT.fasrpt_mv_util_pkg.format_fti('FIELD2_FTI', FIELD2_FTI) as FIELD2,
        • FASRPT.fasrpt_mv_util_pkg.format_fti('FIELD3_FTI', FIELD3_FTI) as FIELD3,
        • FASRPT.fasrpt_mv_util_pkg.format_fti('FIELD100_FTI', FIELD100_FTI) as FIELD100
      • from FASRPT.<view_name>;
    • Here is an example using reporting views:
      • select
      • FASRPT.isir_fields_all_v2_vw a;
      • Value output on the report would be "CUI//SP-TAX 9500".

To create a report, see Designing and Publishing Pixel-Perfect Reports in Oracle Analytics Server - Create Reports.

You can copy and paste reports into multiple folders in OAS. You can also download reports and upload them to different environments as needed.