View & Complete Available Drawdowns

You can View Available G5 Drawdowns.


The Student Financial Planning User Interface groups the drawdowns by award year, fund type, and date. You can Complete a New G5 Transaction one of two ways. You can drawdown the entire amount available for a fund type, which may include multiple days or you can select to drawdown a fund type by date.

Once you decide if you are going to draw down a total amount for a fund type per award year or if you will drawdown just the amount for a specific date for a fund type per award year, you will have to enter either a Control Number (positive net drawdown) or a Reference Number (negative net drawdown) to complete the drawdown. The Control Number/Reference Number used to complete a transaction remains associated with each disbursement within the drawdown. If necessary, you can edit a completed drawdown and associate it with an additional Control Number.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration
  • G5 Drawdown

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Administration > G5 Management > Available Drawdowns
  2. Click View Disbursements to view disbursements associated with the drawdown amount
  3. You can review all records or reduce the number of records by searching by ID or Student ID
  4. Determine if you want to drawdown the total net amount or the net amount for a specific date
    1. New G5 Transaction: Will complete drawdown for all dates for fund type per award year
    2. New G5 Transaction for Selected: Check the box to drawdown only the amount displayed for a specific date
  5. Enter a Control Number (positive net drawdown) or a Reference Number (negative net drawdown) to complete the drawdown
  6. Click Save.