Add Details for Course Sections

When you create a course section, enter details such as academic period and enrollment capacity.

  1. Access the Course Sections page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Course Sections.

  2. Click Create Course Section.

    The Next button becomes available when all required fields are completed.

  3. Enter data in the Course Information section.

  4. After you complete at least the required fields, click Next.

  5. The Units section is displayed.

    You can only update units for the course section if the unit value is Variable on the course setup.

  6. Click Create.

    The data you entered shows in the Details tab.

Course Section Information

Select the academic period in which the course section is offered. Only academic periods with an Academic type are available.

Select a course number from the list of all active courses based on the subject and period selected.

You can edit the title and enrollment capacity.

Select Available in search to allow users to search for the course section in the Learning Catalog and Student Course Schedule.


Fixed units defined for a course are used on the course sections. These units can include decimal values up to 2 decimal places in addition to whole integers. Students can enroll in and receive credit for these partial unit course sections.

How Academic Period Dates Impact Self-Service Pages

When you select an academic period for a course section, the dates associated with that period influence what happens in student self-service. Create and Manage Academic Period Attribute Dates

Here are some examples:

  • Course sections display for students if today's date is within the Search start and end dates.

  • Students can save a course section to their wish list if today's date is within the Wish List start and end dates.

  • Assuming that the enrollment capacity hasn't been reached, students can add a course section to their cart if both these conditions are met:

    • Today's date is within the Shopping Cart start and end dates.

    • Today's date is within the Enrollment start and end dates.

Enrollment and Waitlist

The enrollment capacity data that you enter is used in validations that run when a student tries to enroll in a course section. The number in the Total Enrollment field changes as students enroll. Students see an Available Seats count in the Learning Catalog and in the Student Course Schedule.

Use the Waitlist Capacity field to set waitlist limits. The number in the Waitlist Enrollment field changes as administrators add students to the waitlist for a course section which is full.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load course sections using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet