Overview of Campus Community Implementation

Oracle Campus Community includes everything that's shared among different Student Management product areas, which includes common setups for implementing Student Management. Examples of common setups are person tags, service impacts, and service indicators.

Users with the Application Implementation Consultant job role can implement Campus Community. This topic provides an overview of the individual setup tasks for Campus Community implementation. Alternatively, you can complete a few of the tasks using the Rapid Implementation process.

Here are the Campus Community setup tasks. The tasks don't have a specific order.

Page or Task Name



Manage Service Impacts

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Service impacts identify the types of specific services that are restricted or provided. Examples of service impacts can include transcript holds, stopping course enrollment, and allowing use of the gym.

Manage Administrative Service Indicators

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Service indicators consist of one or more service impact values. Examples of service indicators can include library fine, nonpayment of tuition fee, and early enrollment.


From Student Central, click Search and search for Student Management Identifiers.

Create and maintain identifiers to represent ID numbers and codes issued by national and local regulatory bodies, accreditation, and other professional organizations. Assign identifiers to entities such as institutions and external organizations.


From Student Central, click Search and search for Contacts.

Create and maintain person contact details such as default job title and department. Assign contacts to entities such as institutions and external organizations.


From Student Central, click Search and search for Locations.

Create and maintain locations. Assign locations to entities such as institutions and external organizations.

Manage Attribute Tags

From Student Central, click Search and search for Tags.

Create and maintain general or service hold tags to assign to persons. Examples of tags can be military, athlete, and library service hold.

Manage Population Selection Process Contexts

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Population Selection returns a list of persons and their related data, which batch processes can use for further processing. An example of batch processing with Population Selection is enrollment for multiple students.

Manage Student Management Lookups

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Student Management Lookups.

Set up lookups, for example, residency lookups include residency statuses, exceptions, and exception reasons.

Manage Address Formats

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Modify the layout of fields in the student address page. For example, you can set fields as required or modify the field labels.

Manage National Identifier Types

From Student Central, click Search and search for National Identifier Type.

Configure types of national identifiers.

Student Management Categories

From Student Central, click Search and search for Student Management Categories.

Create categories to associate with academic tools such as communications, tasks, and checklists.


From Student Central, click Search and search for Communications.

Configure the notification content that the cloud application automatically sends to students. For example, the notification that's sent to a student, when the student enrolls for a course.

Status Schemes

From Student Central, click Search and search for Status Schemes.

Set up status schemes to create groups of statuses for use within tasks.

Task Management

From Student Central, click Search and search for Task Management.

Set up tasks and checklists for applicants and students, such as submitting a recommendation letter.


From Student Central, click Search and search for Specify Branding and Colors.

For the Student Management pages, add a logo of the academic institution and select a branding color.

Manage Administrator Profile Values

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

Set up the locale preferences, such as date and time formats, for students and applicants.

Manage Time Zone Settings

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Time Zone Settings.

Set up multiple global time zones for your institution.

Age Settings

From Student Central, click Search and search for Age Settings.

Configure age limits to identify a person as fully managed, jointly managed, or self-managed.

Configure Person Relationship Type

From Student Central, click Search and search for Configure Person Relationship Type.

Determine the relationships that users can establish between students and group managers in a managed student group.

Create External Organizations in Spreadsheet

Upload External Organizations in Spreadsheet

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Academic Structures

Create organizations that are external for your academic institution, such as high schools, universities, sponsorship organizations, and so on.