Modify an Address Format

Address formats let you manage how student's address appears in the UI.

For example, you can modify an address format to:

  • Indicate that the city and state values should appear in upper case.
  • Mark a specific address attribute, such as postal code or state, as required.

To modify an address format:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Address Formats task:

    • Offering: Student Management

    • Functional Area: Student Structures

  2. On the Manage Address Formats page, select a country from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click a result, for example, click United States Postal Address Format.

  5. Click Edit to edit the layout.

  6. In the Format Variation Layout area, use the:

    • Required column to set a field as required.

    • Uppercase column to display a field value in upper case.

    • Prompt column to change a field label.

    • Add icon to add an address attribute, such as Address Line 4.

  7. Click Save and Close.