Overview of Student Records Implementation

Oracle Student Records enables you to set up and maintain your academic structures, curriculum structures, curriculum items, and academic calendars.

You can enter, track, and process all academic information, from the course catalog and to student programs. You can enroll, grade, and evaluate students.

Users with the Application Implementation Consultant job role can implement Student Records. This topic provides an overview of the individual setup tasks for Student Records implementation. Or, you can complete much of the implementation using the Rapid Implementation process.

Academic Structures

Follow this order during your implementation.


Page or Task Name




System Offices

From Student Central, click Search and search for System Offices.

Optionally create and maintain system offices. System offices often have common oversight of institutions and their associated entities via a central governing office that might control funding, compliance, state reporting, and so on.


Academic Institutions

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Institutions.

Create and maintain academic institutions. For an organizational structure such as an institutional system or consortium, an academic institution might not be the highest level entity. For an organizational structure that doesn’t include a system office or consortium, an institution is often the highest level entity.



From Student Central, click Search and search for Campuses.

Create and maintain campuses. A campus can be both a physical and organizational entity.


Learning Catalogs

From Student Central, click Search and search for Learning Catalogs.

Create and maintain learning catalogs. Use the Learning Catalog feature to create student home pages with your own branding.


Academic Organizations

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Organizations.

Create and maintain academic organizations. Academic organizations represent the various schools or divisions that are part of your institution.


Academic Subjects

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Subjects.

Create and maintain academic subjects. Academic subjects identify a distinct discipline, field of study, or the main topic of a course.


Academic Levels

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Levels.

Create and maintain academic levels, such as undergraduate or graduate, which you can attach to curriculum items.


Academic Period Attribute Dates

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Period Attribute Dates.

Create and maintain date attributes that are used to define academic periods. An academic period is the date foundation for creating courses and course sections and for student enrollment.


Academic Periods

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Periods .

Create and maintain academic time periods to document dates and deadlines for enrollment, learning, and other activities at your institution.


Academic Period Sequencing

From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Period Sequencing .

Create and maintain a chronological sequence of academic reporting periods that mirrors the institutional calendar.


Manage Academic Staff

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Academic Staff.

Assign academic staff to an institution and academic organization. The assignments will allow staff members to perform various tasks.



From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Buildings.

Create and maintain buildings for course meetings and other learning activities.



From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Facilities.

Create and maintain rooms for course meetings and other learning activities.



From Student Central, click Search and search for Credentials.

Create and maintain the credentials, such as a certificate, that the institution might offer. A credential is awarded to a student after the successful completion of study.


Manage Service Impacts

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Create service impacts that you can map to enrollment actions.


Administrative Service Impact Mapping

From Student Central, click Search and search for Administrative Service Impact Mapping.

Map service impacts to predefined enrollment actions.

16 Manage Standardized Tests

From Student Central, click Search and search for Standardized Tests.

Define which standardized tests will be recorded for applicants and students. Associate the components to the test along with valid score ranges for each component.

Curriculum Structures

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Page or Task Name




Manage Result Sets

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Result Sets.

Create and maintain the values that will be used for learner grades and other types of results.


Manage Result Types

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Result Types.

Create and maintain the types of results that will be stored and tracked for learners.


Drop Schemes

From Student Central, click Search and search for Drop Schemes.

Create and maintain drop schemes to map a drop type to an enrollment status and, where relevant, a penalty result.


Curriculum Build Statuses

From Student Central, click Search and search for Curriculum Build Statuses.

Create and maintain build statuses for curriculum items. Build status indicates the life-cycle stage, such as in review, for a curriculum item such as a program.


Manage Curriculum Tags

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Curriculum Tags.

Create and maintain curriculum tags and attach them to curriculum items to display items in particular categories and order in student self-service pages.


Program Types

From Student Central, click Search and search for Program Types.

Create and maintain program types, such as major or minor, to use when you create programs.


Program Action Reasons

From Student Central, click Search and search for Program Action Reasons.

Create and maintain program action reasons. Associate reasons with program actions for reporting purposes and to provide useful information to staff when they review a student's record.


Requirement Categories

From Student Central, click Search and search for Requirement Categories.

Create and maintain requirement categories to indicate how a program element such as a course will be incorporated into a program.


Requisite Schemes

From Student Central, click Search and search for Requisite Schemes.

Create requisite schemes to map requisite statuses to result outcomes.


Enrollment Action Reasons

From Student Central, click Search and search for Enrollment Action Reasons.

Create and maintain enrollment action reasons.

Curriculum Items

Follow this order during your implementation.


Page or Task Name





From Student Central, click Search and search for Courses.

Create and maintain courses.


Course Sections

From Student Central, click Search and search for Course Sections.

Create and maintain course sections.


Course Lists

From Student Central, click Search and search for Course Lists.

Create and maintain course lists.


Academic Groups

From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Curriculum. Then click Actions.

Create and maintain academic groups.



From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Curriculum.

Create and maintain programs.