Create Managed Student Groups

A signed-in user can become a group manager by creating a managed student group and adding students to the group.

Doing so also makes the group manager the group owner. Only a group owner can edit group information, add or remove members, assign relationships to various group members, and view relationships for all group members in the group. If a student or group manager doesn't exist, they will have an option to create a new user who then can be added to the group.

The parent or guardian of the fully managed or jointly managed student gets consent communication whenever the student is added to a group.

Group owners must first capture the relationship of a student with themselves before the student can be added to the group. Additionally, they can capture the relationships of all the students with all the other group managers in the group.

A group manager who's not a group owner can’t add or remove other students or group manager members.

A group manager or group owner can act on behalf of students in the group they own or in a group they're a member of. For example, a group manager or group owner can make payments on behalf of a student.

To create a user account, a group owner must specify four bits of information: name, user name, email ID, and date of birth. Before creating a user account, Student Management Cloud runs a search to see if the account exists and create a user account if one doesn't already exist.

Here's how you create a managed student group:

  1. Depending on your permissions, access the appropriate task:

    • If you're signed in as an administrator, from Student Central, click Search, search for Application Access, and then click Managed Student Groups > Create Group.

    • If you're signed in as a user, from Student Central, click Search and search for Create Managed Student Group.

  2. Enter a group name and description, and click Add.

  3. Add other group manager members that you want to, and student members.

  4. Click Save.

Group Owner Approval

Approval is always required to add a student or additional group manager user to a group. You can set the age limits by defining the age range of a fully, jointly, or self-managed user. From Student Central, click Search and search for Age Settings. Move the self-managed age slider to set the age limit for self-service users to own a group and add other group managers and students to their group, with their approval.

You need to set up a confirmation email request for the parent or guardian of the fully managed or jointly managed students or group managers to accept or deny an invitation to join a group. The recipient can respond to the invitation either by email or by viewing the information in the Message Center. You can also send a reminder using date-based communication to the members of a group to accept or deny the invitation. A group owner within a group can act as group owner for only students in that group who have accepted the group owner approval request. The student's status is Pending until the parent or guardian of the fully managed or jointly managed student responds to the email or through their Message Center. That status then changes to Accepted or Denied.