Add Details for Courses

When you create a course, enter details such as start period, type of units, and repeat option.

  1. Access the Courses page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Courses.

  2. Click Create Course.

  3. Enter data in the Course Information section.

  4. After you complete at least the required fields, click Next.

  5. Enter data in the Repeats section.

  6. After you complete at least the required field, click Next.

  7. Enter data in the Units section.

  8. After you complete at least the required fields, click Next.

  9. Before you create the course, you can edit the Course Information, Repeats, and Units data.

    Note: After you create the course, you can’t update the subject or course number.
  10. When you're ready, click Create.

    The data you entered shows in the Details tab.

Note: When you create a course, the status is set to Inactive. You must complete all required fields and assign ownership and academic level before you come back to the Details tab and set the course to Active.

Course Information

Filter periods based on academic calendar to select a start or end period for the course.

For the start period, select the academic period in which the course is originally offered. You can select an end period. Or, if the course doesn’t have a specific end date, select the No end period check box.

The course number is alphanumeric and is the course catalog reference.

You must enter a default enrollment capacity, but the value can be 0. You can edit the capacity on the course section.

Select Available in catalog to allow users to search for the course in the Learning Catalog and Student Course Schedule.

Select Allow save to wish list to allow users to add the course to a wish list in the Learning Catalog.

You can assign tags to a course. Curriculum Tags

Click Change to add or change an image for the course. You can resize and center the image. The image displays on the course cards in the Learning Catalog and Student Course Schedule.


Set up enrollment repeat checking to control what happens when a student tries to enroll in a previously completed course.

Repeat limits are enforced only on enrollment. For example, a student enrolls in a course and a matching entry is found in the student’s enrollment history. This is considered a repeat of the course.

With repeat checking setup, you can indicate these things:

  • Whether a student can repeat a course.

  • How many units a student can earn for multiple completions of a course.

    The maximum number of units includes units earned in the original and repeat completions.

  • How many times a student can repeat (complete) a course.

    The maximum number of completions includes the original and repeat completions.

  • Whether a student can enroll in multiple sections of a course in the same enrollment period. For example, a student might be approved to take two different History-independent studies, each with a different supervisor and topic area title.

If you indicate the course is repeatable, these fields are required: Total Units Allowed, Total Completions Allowed, Allow multiple enrollment.

You must select an enrollment repeat option whether the course is repeatable or not. If the course isn’t repeatable select None.

A student is considered to have completed a course if the student previously enrolled in the course (the student's enrollment status was Enrolled).

Select an enrollment repeat option to indicate how the enrollment process handles course repeats:

Enrollment Repeat Option

What Happens When a Student Tries to Enroll in a Previously Completed Course

Student Enrollment Outcome


Course repeat limits aren't enforced.

The student can repeat the course without restrictions.


The repeat checking routine runs based on the repeat setup for the course.

The student can enroll in the course but receives a warning message. For example, the student is reminded of their previous enrollment.


The repeat checking routine runs based on the repeat setup for the course.

The student can't enroll in the course and receives an error message.


Select fixed or variable units.

You can’t override fixed units on the course section. You can override variable units on the course section.

You can indicate variable units for a course such as a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4. Students can then select the number of units to enroll in. An example is a course where the units vary based on the amount of work a student must complete.

You can configure fixed course enrollment units and billing units with decimal values in addition to whole integers. You can configure up to 2 decimal places.

For required fields, you can enter 0.

You can use Contact Hours or Other Units to record clock hours. These fields are for reporting only.

Next Step

Your next step is the Administrative Data tab. Add Administrative Data for Courses

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load courses using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet