Add Meeting Information for Course Sections

When you create course sections, add meeting information such as date and location.

Note: Before you can create a meeting, you must enter and save at least one course type for the course section. Add Administrative Data for Course Sections
  1. Click the Meeting Information tab.

  2. Click Add Meeting.

  3. Select a meeting type.

    Values are available based on the course types on the course setup.

  4. Enter a start and end date.

    To create a one-day meeting, take these steps:
    1. Select the date of the meeting as the start date. For example, 4/6/2023.

    2. Select the date of the next day as the end date. For example, 4/7/2023.

    3. Enter the meeting day, such as Thursday.

    4. Save the meeting.

      The meeting is displayed with a start and end date of 4/6/2023.

  5. If relevant, enter a start and end time and a time zone.

  6. If you select All Day, the time displays as 12.00AM – 11.59PM.

  7. Select the meeting day or days.

  8. Click Save.

    You're taken back to the Meeting Information landing page where you can view meeting details.

  9. To view meeting dates, click the Actions ellipsis and then click Edit Meeting Information.

    The individual meeting dates are displayed at the end of the page.

  10. To change the meeting dates, edit the start and end dates and click Update.

  11. Click Cancel to return to the landing page.

  12. To select a building and facility, click Assign Building and Facility or use the ellipsis.

  13. Select a building and facility and click Save.

  14. To select staff, click Assign Staff or use the ellipsis.

  15. Click the staff person's name to add them to the Current Selections box.

  16. Click Next.

  17. If relevant, update the role type and select a primary instructor.

  18. If you select Display on Section, information about the staff person, such as contact details, appears on the course section in student self-service pages.

  19. Click Save.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load course sections using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet