Create a Period Hierarchy for Academic Periods

Create a period hierarchy to define the relationship between academic periods and academic reporting periods.

Note: As of 22D you can use existing self-paced periods, but you can’t create self-paced periods. You'll be able to create self-paced periods in a future release. Holiday periods also aren't available as of 22D.

You must associate an academic period with a parent academic reporting period. Add a parent reporting period to an academic period. Or add a child academic period to a reporting period. A child academic period date span must fall within the start and end dates of the parent reporting period.

You can also create parent and child relationships between different reporting periods. Again, the child reporting period date span must fall within the start and end dates of the parent reporting period.

Here are the steps to create a period hierarchy, using the example of adding a parent reporting period to an academic period.

  1. Click the Period Hierarchy tab.
  2. Click Add Period.
  3. Select a reporting period as the parent period.

    Your selection appears in the Current Selections box.

  4. Click Add.

    You can see the hierarchy of the parent reporting period and the child academic period.

  5. Click Save.

When you're ready, activate the academic period. Activate Academic Periods