Create and Manage Academic Periods

An academic period is a timespan, such as a term or semester, which contains course sections typically offered within that timespan.

Academic periods are also a way to define date spans for other features such as courses.

Note: As of 22D you can use existing self-paced periods, but you can’t create self-paced periods. You'll be able to create self-paced periods in a future release. Holiday periods also aren't available as of 22D.

Prerequisite Features

Set up these features before you create academic period attribute dates and academic periods:

  1. Manage Time Zone Settings Time Zone Settings

    Required if you use a calculation method of Manual Entry and a date type of Date Time on academic period attribute dates and academic periods.

  2. Academic Institution Academic Institutions

    Required for academic periods.

Configure academic period attribute dates before you create academic periods. Create and Manage Academic Period Attribute Dates

How to Use Academic Periods

To access the Academic Periods page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Academic Periods.

You can associate periods with each other to create period hierarchies. For example, create academic periods for fall and spring semesters. Then associate those periods with an academic reporting period for the academic or calendar year.

When you create a period with a period type of academic, you must associate that period with an academic reporting period in the period hierarchy.

Here are some things that you can do when you create an academic period:

  • Flexibly decide the attributes for the period. For example, remove an attribute if it's not relevant to a period.

  • Edit the date setup for an attribute. For example, change the calculation method. The updated setup applies only to the particular period.

  • Associate an academic or academic reporting period with one or more academic institutions.

  • Create a period hierarchy to define the relationship between academic periods and academic reporting periods. An academic period can be a child of an academic reporting period only when the start and end dates of the academic reporting period are inclusive of the child period date span.

For step-by-step information about how to create an academic period, start with the Add Details for Academic Periods topic. Add Details for Academic Periods

Then follow the topics in order (one topic for each tab on the Academic Periods page) until you finish creating the academic period.

Rapid Implementation

You can use Rapid Implementation to create and load academic periods. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Academic Periods in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Academic Structures in Spreadsheet