Create Notifications About Payment Issues

When applicants submit their application and make a payment but invoices or receipts can't be created, this may prevent financial transactions from being posted to the applicant’s account. You need to communicate these events to the applicant and the administrator.

Before you begin, make sure you designate an administrator who's tasked with resolving payment issues.

  1. To access the page,from Student Central search for Academic Business Unit
  2. Click Payments.
  3. In Payment Error Resolution, assign an administrator.

If transactions can't be posted to an applicant's account, you should notify administrators and applicants. Administrators would have to resolve the issue, and applicants need to know whether they need to take action.

Create a Category for the Event

Before you create your notification, you must first create a category for the event. You need this category when you create the contents of your notification.

You can group all student financials-related events in one category.

  1. To access the page,from Student Central search for Student Management Categories.
  2. Click Create Category.
  3. Fill out the required fields.
  4. Click Add Event.
  5. Search for these events, select each one, and then click Select to add to the category you're creating.
    • Invoice Creation Failed
    • Receipt Creation Failed
    • Receipt Creation Failed
  6. Click the switch to change the status to active, then save your changes.

Create a Notification Template

Now, create the notification template for each event. In this example, let's create a notification for the Invoice Creation Failed event.

  1. Click Create Communication.
  2. Select Event-based.
  3. Fill out the required fields.
  4. In Institution, select your institution.
  5. In Category, select the category you created earlier.
  6. In Select Event Type, select the event that this notification is for. It can be any of these:
    • Invoice Creation Failed
    • Receipt Creation Failed
    • Invoice or Receipt Creation Failed
  7. In Time of Day Sent, select Send communication immediately when triggered.
  8. Click the Content tab. Here's where you specify the contents of the email that is sent to the administrator or student.
  9. Click Active to activate the notification, then save your changes.

Here's a list of tokens you might want to use.

Token Description
{ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION} Additional information for the transaction.
{AMOUNT} The amount collected from the source of the transaction.
{CURRENCY} The currency in which the fee is charged.
{MASKED_ORDER_ID} The masked unique identifier of the payment order.
{MASKED_STUDENT_PARTY_ID} The masked unique identifier of the student.
{RECEIPT_ID} The unique identifier of the receipt.
{SOURCE_OBJECT_ID} The unique identifier of the source of the transaction. For example, this can be a reference ID or application ID.
{SOURCE_OBJECT_NAME} The source of the transaction. Example of sources can be application submission, transcript request, and so on.
{STUDENT_NAME} The first name and last name of the student.
{TRANSACTION_DATE} The date that the transaction was initiated.
Note: When you create a notification for the Receipt Creation Failed event, it's important that you include the ORDER_ID token in the email notification. The ORDER_ID tells administrators and students which record needs to be reconciled. Also include ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION to ensure the administrator receives the steps to fix the issue.