Edit Programs

After you create and save a program, you can edit the program in various ways. For example you can create a new version of the program.

Access the Programs page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Curriculum.

When you access an existing program, the page opens in view mode. Here are the actions you can take:

  • Insert Record

  • Correct Record

  • Delete Record

  • End Date

Insert Record

Select this action to create a new version of an existing program.

Usually, you use the Insert Record action for a change that will be effective in the future, such as different program requirements for an academic year. You can change the effective date to any date later than the date of the existing maximum effective dated row.

In rare cases, you might insert a row between two existing rows to correctly represent the history of the program, such as after conversion. If you insert a new record between two existing rows, you can change the effective date of the new row. The effective date for the new row must meet both these criteria:

  • Be earlier than the effective date of the row above (if a row exists).

  • Be later than the effective date of the row below.

Correct Record

Select this action to edit an existing program row.

To edit the effective date and the data for the row:

  1. Edit the effective date: Click the edit icon to access the Edit Program Effective Date page. If multiple effective dated rows exist, the effective date that you enter for the edited row must meet both these criteria:

    • Be earlier than the effective date of the row above (if a row exists).

    • Be later than the effective date of the row below.

  2. Edit the program data. When you select the Correct Record action, the various sections of the page such as Attributes and Administrative Controls become available for editing.

Delete Record

Select this action to delete an existing program row.

End Date

Select this action to end a program.

The End Date action is available only on the maximum effective dated row for the program. Select the action and enter an end date for the program. After you end a program, actions are available for the program, but with some restrictions:

  • Insert Record: The effective date of the new row must be earlier than or the same as the program end date.

  • Correct Record: The effective date of the maximum effective dated row must be earlier than the program end date.

  • Delete Record: No restrictions.

  • End Date: Remains restricted to the maximum effective dated row (a user can update the program end date).