Integrate a Third-Party Payment Service Provider

Use your preferred payment service provider to collect payments from students.

To integrate your payment service with Oracle Fusion Cloud Student Management, these are the things you need to do:

Additionally, you need these REST resources:

  • HED Payments. With this resource, you can retrieve information about the student's fees.

  • Transaction Reference Contexts. Using this resource, you can send information back to Student Management so that it can keep records of the payment, generate the invoices and receipts, and enroll the student in the applicable program or course.

When users make a payment in self-service, they will see Additional Services instead of Finances. Clicking on Additional Services takes users to your external payment page. The same is true when users pay their application fees; they're redirected to your external page if you configured external payment.

Note: Institutions are responsible for maintaining their external payment page as well as integrating with their payment service provider.

Configure the Payment Method

Before you can use your own payment service provider to collect payments, you need to configure the payment method on the Academic Business Unit page.

  1. To access the page, from Student Central search for Academic Business Unit.

  2. Click Payments.

  3. In Electronic Payments, select Other payment service provider.

  4. In Other Service Provider Receipt Method, select Cash, for example.

  5. Save your changes.

Register Your Payment Service Provider

After you configure the payment method, you need to register your payment service provider.

A payment service provider is essentially an external application. When you register a payment service provider, you're given an API key. Use this key with HED Payments (REST service) to retrieve and send information about student fees.

Note: Make sure you review the REST service definition in the REST API guides, available from the Oracle Help Center > your apps service area of interest > REST API. If you're new to Oracle's REST services you may want to begin with the Quick Start section.

To register your payment service provider:

  1. Go to the Finances work area, then click Actions > Manage Third-Party Application Access.

  2. Click Create Application. The Application field becomes available.

  3. In Application, enter a name for your payment service provider, then click Save.

    The API key is generated.

Set Up the URL to Your Payment Page

To redirect users to your own payment page, you need to provide the URL to that page.

Before you begin, make sure you already configured the payment method and registered your payment service provider.

  1. Go to the Finances work area, then click Actions > Manage Custom Navigation.

  2. In Navigation URL, enter the address to your payment page. When students make a payment, they're automatically redirected to this address.

  3. Save your changes.