Manage Charge Priority Mapping

A charge priority mapping lets you group individual fees or fee groups, and set distinct payment priorities for each fee or group in the mapping. Individual fees can be curriculum fees, academic period fees, miscellaneous fees, and so on.

Fee groups, on the other hand, are a collection of individual fees. Student credits use charge priority mappings so that the payment application process knows the priority in which payments are applied to fees.

To access the page, from Student Central search for Charge Priority Mappings.

When you create a mapping, use Mapping Method to define the types of fees that can be included in the mapping. Select:

  • Fee to group individual fees of any type. You can group any combination of individual fees.

  • All Fees to automatically include any student fees that exist in your implementation. When you go to a student's account to apply a payment and either you set this mapping as the default or the student credit you're using uses this type of mapping, you will be able to apply the payment to any charge in the student's account. With this mapping method, you don't have to add any fee.

  • Fee Group to create a group with only fee groups that are of the Payment Application type.

Before you can add fees to the mapping, you need to save it. If you don't add fees, the payment application process interprets it as no fees are eligible for payment using this charge priority mapping.

When you attach a charge priority mapping to a student credit, the payment application process uses the information in the mapping to identify which fees or charges the student credit should pay off first. So you may want to assign a priority to each fee or group in your mapping. If you don't specify a priority, 9999 is automatically assigned, which is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the lower its priority.

Note: You can set a charge priority mapping as the default mapping by clicking Set as Default. When payments need to be applied, payment application process will look for the default mapping. The payment application process uses the information in the mapping to determine which fees to pay off first.If you don't have a default charge priority mapping, then the payment application process applies payments to charges with the oldest due date first. If the due dates are the same, the payment is applied based on the ascending order of the invoice number.