Manage Refund Preferences

Indicate how you want to receive your refunds. You can set more than one preferred refund method. Administrators or bursars can also add or update refund preferences on your behalf.

If you want to receive your refund payment through a specific account, then you need to set up your preference.

If you're a student and you're setting up your refund preferences for the first time, just go to your self-service Finances page, then click Set Up Refund Preferences.

On the Manage Refund Preferences page, click Create Refund Payment Method. You can set up more than one refund payment preference. If you have more than one, you can also define the priority in which you want them used. To do so, click the Actions icon of the corresponding refund method to access the context menu. From this menu, you can select:

  • Move to Bottom or Move Down to move the method down or to the bottom of the list, giving it a lower priority.
  • Move to Top or Move Up to move the method up or to the beginning of the list, giving it a higher priority.
  • View Details to view information about the refund method.
  • Remove to remove the refund method.

For example, you set up two refund payment preferences: a bank account and a check, and you set your bank account as the first priority where you want your refund payments to go. But if, for example, something happens to that bank account and the payment can't be deposited, then the institution will automatically send your refund payment to your next preferred way to receive your refund.

You can add, update, or delete your refund payment preferences any time you need to. Just go to your self-service Finances page, then click Manage Refund Preferences.

If you're an administrator and you need to create or update a student's preferences, then go to the Finances work area, then search for the student. Click the student's name to access the account, then from the student's account summary, click Actions > Manage Refund Preferences.