Overview of Application Composer for Admissions

Oracle Student Admissions uses Application Composer, part of the Applications Core Configuration task, to create custom fields for any of the admissions tables.

You can then add those fields to an admissions application form using Form Builder. You must create the fields in a sandbox and then publish to production before they become available to be added to a form.

Note: You can only add fields to forms that were created after the new fields are published; they're not available to add to existing forms.

Creating Custom Fields for Admissions

You're limited to 70 total custom fields per table:

  • 50 Character fields

  • 10 Number fields

  • 10 Time Stamp fields.

You can add these Application Composer field types to a form:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Date

  • Datetime

  • Check box

  • Percentage

  • Fixed choice list (Single Select)

  • Fixed choice list (Multiple Select)

  • Fields with a fixed default value

You can't add these Application Composer fields to a form:

  • Any field with a field type not listed above

  • Fields with a formula (this includes fields with default value derived from an expression)

  • Required fields (any required fields should be made required on the form only and not in Application Composer).