Population Selection Contexts

A context is the scheduled process for which Population Selection is available. For example, Enroll Student Course Enrollments process is the context that can use Population Selection.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Population Selection Process Contexts task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

To configure a context, associate Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (BI) queries with the process. A BI query is the analysis or report that you create in the Reports and Analytics work area to retrieve data. For example, with a BI query you can select student data for a particular academic term.

BI Subject Areas

When you create an analysis, you first select a subject area, which contains columns related to a specific business area. You can use these subject areas:

  • Higher Education - Enrollment Real Time: Provides information on course enrollments.

  • Higher Education - Person Real Time: Provides information on student person details.

  • Higher Education - Student Accounts Real Time: Provides information on student charges, fees, and payments.

  • Higher Education - Person Attributes: Provides information on tags assigned to persons.

  • Higher Education - Service Indicators: Provides information on service impacts and service indicators assigned to persons.

BI Query Folder Locations

Select the folder that contains one or more BI queries. You can select multiple folders to associate multiple BI queries with the process. When users run the process, they can select one of these BI queries to specify which data they want to select.