Result Types

A result type is an evaluative or statistical value that's tracked at the student level, such as a course result. When you create curriculum items, such as courses, you attach result types, and the associated result sets, to those items.

Access the Manage Result Types page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Result Types.

Valid Curriculum Types

A valid curriculum type is selected automatically for each predefined result type and you can't delete the curriculum type. For example, the TOTAL_EARNED_UNITS_CUMULATIVE result type indicates the total number of credits earned by a student through enrollment at a specific academic level, such as undergraduate. A student's academic level is determined by the academic level of the academic group with which the student is associated. A valid curriculum type of Academic Group is selected automatically for the result type.

You can add other valid curriculum types to predefined result types. When you create a result type, you must add at least one valid curriculum type.

Valid Result Sets

Add one or more valid result sets to a result type. For example, you might add a letter grade result set and a pass or fail result set to the course result type. When you create a course and add the course result type, you can select either or both result sets for the course.

If the Student statistics check box is selected for a result type, only result sets for which the Student statistics check box is selected on the Result Set page are available as valid result sets.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load result types using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Registry Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet