Student Fees

Student fees describe the collection of all amounts that your institution can charge a student, including fee reductions, known as discounts.

The fee elements you can set up include:

  • Curriculum fees

  • Fee categories

  • Fee groups and fee group default settings

  • Academic period fees

  • Miscellaneous fees

  • Discounts

Curriculum Fees

Create curriculum fees to specify the amounts charged to students for courses and programs at your institution. You can create and update course and scheduled course fees. The new course and scheduled course fees you create are associated with a course or scheduled course in the Curriculum Registry.

A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

As an implementor, in the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Curriculum Fees task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

As an administrator, you can edit curriculum fees. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area click Finances > Actions > Manage Curriculum Fees.

Fee Categories

Fee categories are groups of general and miscellaneous fees that you charge to students. You can set up miscellaneous categories for each institution, such as insurance, fitness, or parking. You can also group miscellaneous fees and display fee categories in self service that have grouped fees within them. The fee categories that you set up are displayed to students on the self-service Review Cart page; students can add these optional items to their shopping cart.

As an implementor, In the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Miscellaneous Categories task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

As an administrator, you can edit miscellaneous categories. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area click Finances > Actions > Manage Miscellaneous Categories.

Fee Groups and Fee Group Default Settings

Fee groups are a collection of student academic period fees. You can create a new fee group or edit a fee group to add or remove existing academic period fees. You can manually assign fee groups to students, or assign a default fee group to an academic level.

If students:

  • Are manually assigned a fee group, the fee assessment process uses the assigned fee group to assess student fees.

  • Don't have a fee group assignment, the fee assessment process looks at the Manage Fee Group Default Settings table to determine which fee group is assigned to a particular academic level. The fees are then calculated using the fee group assigned to the students' academic level.

As an implementor, in the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Fee Groups and Manage Fee Group Default Settings tasks:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

Note: The academic level and fee group combination must be unique for an academic institution. You can assign only one fee group to an academic level.

As an administrator, you can edit fee groups. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area, click Finances > Actions > Manage Fee Groups.

Academic Period Fees

Academic period fees are calculated based on the billing units of courses students are enrolled in for a specific reporting academic period. You can create, review, and update academic period fees, and review, sort, and filter them. Click the Create Academic Period Fee button to create an academic period fee, academic period course fee, or academic period scheduled course fee. You can show or hide academic period attributes, including the amount charged per range of units.

A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

As an implementor, in the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Academic Period Fees task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

As an administrator, you can edit academic period fees. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area click Finances > Actions > Manage Academic Period Fees.

Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous fees are any student charge not associated directly with tuition, such as facility rental or course supplies. You can create, review, and update miscellaneous and general fees as well as review, sort, and filter miscellaneous fees, duplicate an existing one, or create a new one. These fees are grouped into fee categories.

As an implementor, in the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Manage Miscellaneous and General Fees task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

As an administrator, you can edit miscellaneous fees. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area click Finances > Actions > Manage Miscellaneous Fees.


Discounts control the percentage and availability of fee reductions, such as a discount for early enrollment. Enable discounts by selecting the Allow Discount check box on the Student Financials Options page. Also on that page, the business unit selected becomes the default value that appears on the Discounts page; this becomes the business unit to which the discount applies. You can review, sort, and filter price discounts, duplicate an existing one, or create a new one. You can set a priority order for when discounts are applied. You can also allow bursars to override a discount when creating student curriculum fee invoices. Note that if fields on this page, such as Type, are used elsewhere in Student Financials, the fields appear in grey and are unavailable to edit.

As an implementor, in the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Maintain Discounts task:

  • Offering: Student Management

  • Functional Area: Student Structures

As an administrator, you can edit discounts. Click Navigator, then in the Academics area click Finances > Actions > Manage Discounts.

Rapid Implementation of Student Fees

You can create and upload some fees and discounts using the Rapid Implementation process.

  • Create academic period fees, course fees, and scheduled course fees using the Create Academic Period Fees in Spreadsheet task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering.

  • Create student fee discounts using the Create Student Fee Discounts in Spreadsheet task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering.

  • Load student fees and discounts using the Upload Student Fees and Discounts in Spreadsheet task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering.