Time Zone Settings

Set up multiple global time zones for your institution.

Use these time zones when you create course sections for student enrollment. For example, your institution might offer courses at different campuses across multiple time zones. Students can see the time zone information for each course section in the Learning Catalog.

Before you start, make sure that a site level profile value exists for FND_TIMEZONE:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for a Profile Option Code of FND_TIMEZONE.

  3. For the Site profile level, make sure that a value is selected. For example, US Eastern Time.

To set up time zones, access the Manage Time Zone Settings page. From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Time Zone Settings.

When you access the page, you're asked whether you want to use the FND_TIMEZONE as the default.

You must enter at least one default time zone to be able to create or load, via Rapid Implementation, courses and course sections.