Data Security Profile Role Group Assignments REST Endpoints

Data Security Profile Role Group Assignments
The data security profile role group assignments resource is used to create, view, and modify the data security profiles for a role group assignment. The data security profile role group assignment will assign the data security profile to all the roles within a role group.
Create a data security profile assignment
Method: post
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Delete a data security profile assignment
Method: delete
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProfileAssignmentId}
Get a data security profile assignment
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProfileAssignmentId}
Get all data security profile assignments
Method: get
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/
Update a data security profile assignment
Method: patch
Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/{ProfileAssignmentId}