About Creating Implementation Users for Student Management

If you're the service administrator for the Oracle Student Management Cloud service, you will receive your sign-in details when your environments are provisioned.

Thereafter, you can access the service for the first time and set up the user accounts for implementation users. Unless you do so, your implementation team won't be able to do their job.

Create implementation users in the test environment first. Only after you have validated the implementation should you move it to the production environment. If you follow this approach, your implementation team learns how to implement security before they set up accounts for application users in the production environment.

Access the Oracle Student Management Cloud Service

The welcome or service-activation email from Oracle contains the service URLs, user name, and temporary password for the test or production environment. The Identity Domain value is the environment name. For example, STUDENT could be the production environment and STUDENT-TEST could be the test environment.

  1. Use the service home URL and the password in the welcome or service-activation email to sign in to the Oracle Student Management Cloud service.

  2. Change the password, and make a note of it. This password is the service administrator password for subsequent access to the service.

  3. Don't share your sign-in details with other users.

You're now ready to synchronize user and role information, import the user roles into application security, and create the implementation users.