Role-Based Application Security

In Oracle Applications Cloud, users have roles through which they gain access to functions and data.

Users can have any number of roles. Roles are grouped hierarchically to reflect lines of authority and responsibility. User access to functions and data is determined by roles, arranged in hierarchies and provisioned to that user.

Role-based security in Oracle Applications Cloud controls who can do what on which data.




Role assigned to a user


Function that users with that role can perform

Which Data

Set of data that users with the role can access when performing the function

Here's an example. Assume that a user named Lynda Jones has these three roles.

  • Admissions coordinator, by which she can access applicant functions and data.

  • Employee, by which she can access employee functions and data.

  • Part-time continuing education student, by which she can access student functions and data.

When Lynda Jones signs in to Oracle Student Management Cloud, she doesn't have to select a role. All of her roles, and the related access permissions, are active concurrently. The functions and data that she can access are determined by this combination of roles, which means she can access all of the functions and data relating to applicants, employees, and students.