What are the different events and notifications associated with the Single Sign-On functionality?

Automatic notifications are sent for the following events associated with single sign-on.

  • When an administrator requests access to the Administration Activity page to disable single sign-on

  • When the single sign-on functionality is disabled using the Administration Activity page, notification is sent to that user who disabled SSO.

  • When the external identity provider's signing certificate is about to expire

  • When the service provider's signing certificate is about to expire

  • When the service provider's encryption certificate is about to expire

Note: Notifications are sent to users who are assigned the Administer SSO (ASE_ADMINISTER_SSO_PRIV) privilege,according to the following schedule:
  • First notification - 60 days before the expiry date
  • Second notification - 30 days before the expiry date
  • Last notification - 10 days before the expiry date.