Evaluate Student Requisites

Evaluate student requisites to potentially drop students from course sections when they haven't satisfied required prerequisite courses.

Use the Evaluate Student Requisites process for post enrollment prerequisite verification.

Here’s what the process does for courses in a particular academic period:

  • Evaluates the records of students enrolled in the course to check if students have met the course prerequisites.

  • Identifies which students haven’t met the prerequisites.

  • Removes students from the course.

The process uses course outcomes only, not result set values.

Here’s how you run the process:

  1. Click Navigator and in the Tools area, click Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Select Evaluate Student Requisites and click OK.

  4. Select your parameters.

  5. Click Submit.

Drop Enrollments Process Mode

To notify students that they've been dropped from a course, create a communication category for the delivered Enrollment Drop event. Then create the email communication.

Notify Only Process Mode

To warn students that they will be dropped from a course, select the Notify Only process mode. To notify students, create a communication category for the delivered Process Student Requisites Warnings event. Then create the email communication.