Add Drill-Down Between Subscription and Object

You can use the Choice List (Dynamic) field in Application Composer to drill-down from the available objects, such as Activities, Opportunities, and so on, to a subscription.

Similarly, you can also drill down from a subscription to a selected object. Each drill-down link enables you to view and edit the object or subscription details based on the user's permission.

Here are the steps to demonstrate how you can add a link to navigate to a subscription from the Activities page:

  1. Sign in to the application as a setup user.

  2. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox with the Application Composer tool enabled.

  3. Click Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

  4. On the Application Composer page, click Objects > Standard Objects > Activity > Fields.

    1. In the Custom tab, click Action > Create.

    2. On the Select Field Type dialog box, select Choice List (Dynamic).

    3. Enter the required information and click Next.

    4. From the List Data Source section, select Subscription in the Related Object field and Subscription Number in the List Selection Display Value field.

    5. Click Submit.

  5. On the Application Composer page, click Objects > Standard Objects > Activity > Pages.

  6. In Creation Page Layouts, from Appointment Create section and Landing Page Layouts, select Appointment Create section and perform these steps for both sections:

    1. Click Actions > Duplicate.

    2. Enter the name in the New Layout Name field.

    3. In the Source Layout field, select Standard layout.

    4. Click Save and Edit.

    5. In the Layout section, click the Edit icon.

    6. In the Configure Detail Form section, move the choice list field created earlier from the Available Fields section to the Selected Fields section.

    7. Click Save And Close.

    8. Click Done.

  7. Sign out and sign in to the application as a subscription specialist.

  8. Click Navigation > Services > Activities.

  9. Click the Activities tab.

  10. On the Activities page, click Create Appointment.

  11. On the Create Appointment page, from the Choice List (Dynamic) field created above, select a subscription.

  12. Click Save and Close.

  13. On the Activities page, click the subscription name link to navigate to the selected subscription page.

  14. After testing these changes, publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

Similarly, you can add a navigation link to the required object or subscription to set up the navigation as per your requirements.