Create Coverage Items

To create a coverage item:

  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Go to Product Management > Product Information Management.

  3. Expand the Tasks region and select Create Item.

  4. On the Create Item page, select the organization, enter the number of items, and select the item class.

    Ensure that the selected list doesn't contain any template.

  5. Click Ok.

  6. Enter the item name and description.

  7. Select the item status and lifecycle phase.

  8. Ensure that the primary unit of measure, in the Mandatory Attributes section, is part of the same Time Unit Class mapped in the profile option, RCS_DEFAULT_UOM_CLASS_CODE_FOR_SVC_DURATION.

  9. Go to the Specifications tab and select Item Organization > Service.

    1. In the Asset section, select Not Tracked from the Enable Asset Tracking drop-down list.

    2. In the Service Contracts section, select Open Ended from the Service Duration Type drop-down list.

    3. In the Service Contracts section, Enter the Service Start Delay days. The Included Warranty Start Date is Asset Shipment Date + Service Start Delay days.

    4. In the Service Contracts section, select an appropriate standard coverage.

  10. Go to the Specifications tab and select Item Organization > Sales and Order Management .

    1. In the Order Management section, set Customer Ordered to Yes.

    2. In the Order Management section, set Customer Orders Enabled to Yes.

    3. In the Order Management section, select Extended Warranty, Service Level Agreements, or Software Maintenance from the Sales Product Type drop-down list.

  11. Click Save.