Define Milestone Templates

You need to define milestone templates for milestone billing.

You define the templates in the Subscription Configuration area. The template you create in the configuration area is called the MBBRR (Milestone Based Billing and Revenue Recognition Template) template.

Begin Creating a Milestone Template

  1. Navigate to Subscription Configuration > Subscription Rules.
  2. Select the Billing and Revenue Recognition Milestone Templates link. You'll see the existing MBBRR template.
    Note: If you try to open an existing MBBRR template that's in use in a subscription, then a warning message displays indicating that the template is already in use. However, you can still go ahead and modify the template. Any changes you make won't cascade to the subscriptions that are already using this template.
  3. To begin creating a new template, click Create in the global header.
    Note: The MBBRR template is comprised of billing and revenue recognition milestones or neither of these. You can create an empty template and then later modify it after it's associated with a subscription.
  4. Click Add Row and add milestones in the respective sections.
  5. See the next section, Enter Fields for a Milestone Billing Template, for details about how to enter the fields for the template.

Enter Fields for a Milestone Billing Template

This table shows the fields and additional information:

Field Additional Information
Template Name Required field
Description Optional.
Enable milestone based billing Enables the Billing Milestones section
Enable milestone based revenue recognition Enables the Revenue Recognition Milestones section
Name Required field. Name of the milestone
Source Application that's tracking the milestone. For example: The milestones are defined and tracked in a project management application, whereas Subscription Management is used only for billing. Thus, if you want to know which application tracks the milestones use this lookup type to define those.
Source Reference Use to capture the reference number of a transaction or entity that's tracking the milestones. Example: A project number of the project management application tracking the milestones.
Percentage Required field. Values should be between be 0 and 100. If the percentage is outside of this range, then an error message is shown. For the Revenue Recognition milestones section it can be -100 to 100. However, it's not expected that you would enter negative percentage values.
Note: For Revenue Milestones, the percentage of revenue allocation corresponds to percentage of the Allocated Amount in the Revenue Management Cloud contract and not the Charge Amount.